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Chapter 8 Skeletal System Axial Skeleton Skull 22 bones Cranial bones Frontal bone 1 Parietal bone 2 Occipital bone 1 Temporal bone 2 Sphenoid bone 1 Ethmoid bone 1 Facial Bones Maxilla 2 Palatine bone 2 Zygomatic bone 2 Lacrimal bone 2 Nasal bone 2 Vomer 1 Inferior nasal concha 2 Mandible 1 Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral Girdle 4 bones Seapula 2 Clavicle 2 Upper Limb 60 bones Humerus 2 Radial 2 Ulnar 2 Carpals 16 Metacarpals 10 Phalanges 28 Vertebral column 26 bones Auditory ossicles 6 bones Malleus 2 Incus 2 Stapes 2 Hyloid bone 1 bone Cervical vertebrae 7 Thoracic vertebrae 12 Lumbar vertebrae 5 Sacrum 1 Thoracic cage 25 bones plus thoracic vertebrae Ribs 24 Sternum 1 Hip bones 2 Lower Limb 60 bones Femur 2 Patella 2 Tibia 2 Fibula 2 Tarsals 14 Metatarsals 10 Phalanges 28 All together 206 bones Babies have 270 bone but eventually some fuse together Articular point where two bones are put together disarticular taken apart

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MCC BIO 201 - Chapter 8 Skeletal System

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