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Chapter 2 1 A genotype is a a Physical or behavioral characteristic determined both by environmental and genetic factors b Directly observable characteristic c Rodlike structure in the cell nucleus that transmits genetic information d Complex blend of genetic information that determines the species and influences unique characteristics 2 Accumulating evidence reveals that the relationship between heredity and 3 Laws and government programs designed to improve widespread social the environment is a A one way street b Undirectionaly c Bidirectional d Primarily negative problems known as a Public policies b Collectivism c Economic policies d Socialism a Rare b Male dominant c Adaptive d Female dominant a US b Australia c Czech republic d Poland 4 The genetic variability produced by meiosis is 5 Which of the following countries has a higher teenage birthrate 6 Most chromosomal defects results from a X linked disorders b Mistakes occurring during mitosis c Mistake occurring during meiosis d Recessive disorders 7 are the most common type of multiple birth triplets fraternal twins identical twins a b c d quadruplets a Zygotes b Phenotypes c Chromosomes d Genotypes a Phenotypes b Chromosomes c Genotypes d Genes a Singapore b US c Ireland d Hong kong a Autosomes b Gametes c Zygotes d Dizygotes 8 One limitation of twin studies is a The environments of most twin pairs are more diverse than those of b Most twin pairs are reared together under highly similar c Heritability estimates are likely to exaggerate the role of the general population environmental conditions environmental influences d Separated twins are often placed in vastly diverse environments 9 Directly observable characteristics such as eye color and height are called 10 Rodlike structures called store and transmit genetic information 11 Which of the following countries has a higher infant death rate 12 The sperm and the ovum are sex cells or 13 Dizygotic twins a Have the same genetic makeup b Develop more rapidly than children of single births c Are no more alike than ordinary siblings d Are less likely with each additional birth 14 Genetic counselors prepare are which identifies affected relatives in a couple s family tree a Pedigree b Carrier detector c Prenatal diagnosis d Genetic diagnosis 15 With a woman is given hormones that stimulate the ripening of several ova These are removed surgically and placed in a dish of nutrients to which sperm are added a Donor insemination b In vitro fertilization c Surrogacy d Genetic engineering 16 Most adopted children adoptive parents a Have trouble developing feelings of trust and affection toward their b Become well adjusted adults c Fare better if they are adopted after infancy d Begin to search for their birth parents during early adolescence 17 Social security and Medicare consume about percent of the US federal budget for the elderly 18 To infer the role of heredity in complex human characteristics researchers use special methods the most common being a 20 b 50 c 75 d 96 a Polygenic ranges b Kinship estimates c Reaction ranges d Heritability estimates 19 Human chromosomes come in a 23 pairs 20 Carriers of the sickle cell gene their children a Often do not display symptoms until they have passed the gene on to b Rarely have children who develop it c May have children who have it d Develop sickle shaped blood cells that cause degeneration 21 Characteristics that vary on a continuum among people such as height weight or intelligence are most likely determined by inheritance a X linked b Polygenic c Dominant recessive d Paternal 22 Down syndrome most commonly results from a A faiulure of the 21st pair of chromosomes b Increased age of the father c Oxygen deprivation after birth d Mutation of the genetic material 23 The one allele that affects the child s characteristics is called dominant 24 A zygote that seperates into two clusters of cells instead of just one produces recessive Identical twins a b Dizygotic twins c Fraternal twins d Triple x syndrome 25 Compared with large urban areas small towns offer a Weaker connections b Stronger connections c Less civic group participation for adults d Better child care programs 26 To detect problems before birth doctors use a Prenatal methods b Genetic treaments c Gene therapies d Carrier detectors

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