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Psych 212H Quiz 1 Study online at quizlet com lbv8i children seek out environments they find compatible and stimulating 20 Cross cultural Studies 1 Active Genotype Environment Correlations 2 Adolescence developmental period of transition from childhood to early adulthood entered at approximately 10 to 12 years of age and ending at 18 to 22 years of age 3 Adoption Study differences from biological parents because of environment 4 Anal Stage pleasure centers on the anus 1 5 3 years 5 Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt infancy 1 3 years 6 Behavior Genetics field that seeks to discover the influence of heredity and environment on individual differences in human traits and development 7 Biocological Person Process Context Time Systems Theory 8 Biological Processes 9 Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Theory changes in an individual s body environmental systems theory that focuses on five environmental systems micro meso exo macro and chrono 10 Case Study in depth look at a single individual 11 Chronosystem patterning of environmental events and trasitions over the life course 12 Cognitive Processes changes in an individual s thought intelligence and language 13 Cohort everyone at the same era 27 Developmental effects due to a person s time of birth era or generation but not to actual age child can now reason logically about concrete events and classify objects into different sets 7 11 settings influenced by historical economic social and cultural factors in which development occurs regarding whether development involves gradual cumulative change or distinct stages 14 Cohort Effects 15 Concrete Operational Stage 16 Context 17 Continuity Discontinuity Issue 18 Correlation Coefficient 19 Correlational Research a number based on statistical analysis that is used to describe the degree of association between two variables 31 Ego research design whose goal is to describe the strength of the relationship between two or more events 32 Embryonic Period 21 Cross sectional approach 22 Culture Systems Theories Diversity and Individual Differences 25 Developmental Systems Theories Historical Embeddedness 26 Developmental Systems Theories Integration of Levels of Organization Systems Theories Plasticity 28 Early Childhood 29 Early Later Experience Issue 30 Eclectic Theoretical Orientation comparisons of one culture with one or more other cultures these comparisons provide information about the degree to which children s development is similar or universal across cultures and the degree to which it is culture specific A research strategy in which individuals of different ages are compared at one time behavior patterns beliefs and all other products of a group that are passed on from generation to generation 23 Descriptive Research a research design that has the purpose of observing and recording behavior 24 Developmental need to understand ethnic cultural and developmental diversity Change of all levels of organization embedded within historical change Implications need to study multiple cohorts Bio individual proximal context sociocultural context change and plasticity implications promote prevention and intervention provide evidence supporting policies and programs developmental period that extends from the end of infancy to about 5 to 6 years of age sometimes called the preschool years degree to which early experiences or later experiences are key determinants of child s development orientation that does not follow any one theoretical approach but rather selects from each theory whatever is considered the best in it deals with demands of reality and is called the executive branch of personality because it uses reasoning to make decisions occurs two to eight weeks after conception 33 Epigenetic View 34 Equifinality 35 Erikson s theory development is result of ongoing bidirectional interchange between heredity and environment convergence of developmental paths in which children follow very different paths to reach the same developmental end point eight stages of human development each stage consists of a unique developmental task that confronts individuals with a crisis that must be resolved 36 Ethnic Gloss use of ethnic label in a superficial way that portrays homogenous but it s not 37 Ethnicity 38 Ethology 39 Evocative Genotype Environment Correlations 40 Exosystem 41 Experiment characteristic based on cultural heritage nationality race religion and language Stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biology tied to evolution and characterized by critical or sensitive periods child s characteristics elicit certain types of physical and social environments links between a social setting in which the individual does not have an active role and the individuals immediate context carefully regulated procedure in which one or more of the factors believed to influence the behavior being studied are manipulated while all other factors are held constant 44 Formal Operation Stage adolescent reasons in more abstract idealistic and logical ways 11 Adulthood 45 Freud s Theory 46 G x E Interaction personality has three structures id ego superego interaction of specific measured variation in DNA and an aspect of environment Passive rearing environments influenced by parent genes Evocative heritable attributes affect other behaviors toward us Active genotypes influence types of environments that we prefer and seek out 47 Gender characteristics of people as females or males 48 Generativity vs Stagnation middle adulthood 40 50 49 Genital Stagee 50 Germinal Period 51 Hypothesis 52 Id 53 Identity vs Identity Confusion 54 Individual Differences 55 Industry vs Inferiorty 56 Infancy 57 Information Processing Theory sexual reawakening source of sexual pleasure beyond the family Puberty onwards prenatal development that takes place in the first two weeks after conception specific assumption or prediction that can be tested to determine accuracy instincts individual s reservoir of psychic energy unconscious no contact with reality adolescence 10 20 years variation among individuals on a specific characteristic middle and late childhood elementary 6 puberty developmental period that extends from birth to 18 to 24 months of age emphasizes that individuals manipulate information monitor it and strategize about it central to this theory are the processes of memory and thinking 58 Initiative vs Guilt early childhood preschool 3 5 years 59 Integrity vs Despair 60 Intimacy vs Isolation 61 Laboratory late adulthood 60s onward early

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