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Vitamin K only fat soluble vitamin or trace mineral without an upper limit Vitamin E only fat soluble vitamin that doesn t contribute to bone health 16 TRACE MINERALS 9 Essential Trace Minerals Quiz Study Guide 5 o 1 Iron Fe o 2 Zinc Zn o 3 Selenium Se o 4 Iodine I o 5 Copper Cu o 6 Chromium Cr o 7 Fluoride Fl o 8 Manganese Mn o 9 Molybdenum Mo Isaac the Zebra Says I Cry Cause Fucking Matt Made me Animal sources are better absorbed than plant sources Most toxic at intakes between 2 5 7x RDA Iron o Nutrient of concern for vegetarians Don t get MFP meat fish poultry factor Eat lots of phytates Only ingest non heme sources o Intestinal cells are the gatekeepers turn away excess iron o 2 Forms 1 Ferrous Fe2 2 Ferric Fe3 Allows it to bind with O N S allows it to be incorporated into proteins gives it a lot of structure Can become a pro oxidant then it promotes formation of destructive free radicals why too much iron is bad o Functions oxygen transport enzyme component or cofactor required for optimal immune function collagen production brain function o Sources heme iron animal non heme iron plant animal Heme iron is more readily absorbed can t be affected by diet Non heme iron can be affected by diet Enhancers vitamin C MFP factor HCL Inhibitors phytates o Storage stored as ferritin primarily in the liver Balance regulated through absorption o UL o Deficiency Most common nutrient deficiency in the world Progression 1 depletion of iron stores 2 depletion of functional transport iron 3 iron deficiency anemia o Toxicity Hereditary Hemochromatosis genetic defect causes impaired regulation of iron absorption that results in chronic iron overload Zinc o Component of every living cell o Functions cofactor metalloenzymes gene expression cell division development maintenance of immune system o Sources protein rich food o Storage bound to metallothionein in cells Albumin Enteropancreatic circulation pancreas circulates it transport vesicle for zinc o UL o Deficiency severe growth retardation delayed abnormal sexual development poor immune function impaired wound healing o Toxicity acute GI distress nausea vomiting cramping impaired immunity reductions in HDL Selenium o Functions antioxidant protection thyroid hormone activation preserves vitamin E Glutathione peroxidase E to block free radical formation chain reaction selenium enzyme works with vitamin o Sources meats milk eggs Content of plant foods depends on soil content o Storage N A o UL o Deficiency rare o Toxicity Keshan disease Iodine o Salt is fortified with iodine o Functions necessary for the formation of the thyroid hormone Thyroid hormones Thyroxine T4 Triiodothyronine T3 Regulates basal metabolic rate T4 T3 requires selenium dependent enzymes o Sources iodized salt o Storage N A o UL o Deficiency goiter hypothyroidism cretinism mental retardation caused by severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy o Toxicity goiter hypothyroidism 17 FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS In comparison with Water Soluble Vitamins o Transport Micelles Lipoprotein o Storage Can be stored unlike water soluble K isn t stored appreciably A D are in the liver E in adipose tissue 90 in cell membranes 10 Vitamin K o Essential nutrient o Warfarin is an anticoagulant that decreases vitamin K activity o Family of compounds known as quinones Phylloquinone K1 from plant sources Menaquinones K2 from animal sources o Functions blood clotting bone health enhances calcium binding o Sources plant sources dark leafy greens intestinal bacteria o Storage N A o UL o Deficiency rare anything that kills bacteria Newborns long term antibiotic users are most at risk o Toxicity rare due to small stores Vitamin A o 3 Active forms 1 Retinol active form within the body used for reproduction bone growth 2 Retinal vision 3 Retinoic Acid cell differentiation immunity o Expressed as RAE retinol activity equivalents o Transported in the blood by retinol binding protein o 1 4 to 1 3 of average intake is from provitamin inactive form of vitamin in food which body converts to active form once ingested Carotenoid provitamin A compound cleaved in 2 to make 2 active vitamin A with antioxidant capabilities No DRI and FDA advises against supplementation o Functions reproduction vision cell differentiation immunity bone health Suppresses bone building stimulates bone dismantling activity o Sources liver eggs whole milk skim milk is fortified with it Carotenoid Sources yellow orange and dark green fruits veggies o Storage liver as retinyl esters retinol fatty acid Can store up to a year s supply o UL For mega doses of vitamin supplements o Deficiency trouble regenerating rhodopsin in rods night blindness and eventually xeropthalmia permanent blindness dry dysfunctional epithelial tissues more vulnerable to infection o Toxicity forms teratogen excess preformed vitamin A carotenodermia orange skin Most hazardous 2 weeks prior to conception through the 1st 2 months of pregnancy Vitamin E o Alpha tocopherol human requirements active form in body and only form know to meet Preferentially sent out by the liver Liver metabolizes excretes other forms o Functions antioxidant interrupts the cascade of free radical formation Peroxidation an excess of oxygen production of unstable lipid molecules that contain Vitamin E donates an electron to the free radical preventing it from seeking an electron elsewhere doing further damage Vitamin E turns into a mildly reactive free radical VITAMIN C REGENERATES VITAMIN E o Sources nuts seeds vegetable oils wheat germ foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA Animal sources don t contribute much it depends on what they re fed Oxygen can destroy it exception to the fact that fat soluble vitamins are more stable than water soluble Cooking and storage affect content o Storage 90 adipose tissue 10 cell membranes Regulated by the liver o UL o Deficiency rare o Toxicity rare Vitamin D o Conditionally essential o Vitamin and hormone o Has to be activated by hydroxylation Liver and kidney can activate it Calcitriol o Family of compounds active form of vitamin D D3 animal food D2 plant food levels o Functions skeletal growth maintenance regulate blood calcium Works with parathyroid hormone calcitonin by regulating activity in the bones Ca released kidneys Ca excreted small intestine Ca absorbed o Sources synthesized from the sun fatty fish fish liver oils egg yolks fortified foods e g milk Synthesis from sun affected by time of day season location sunscreen SPF 8 skin type darker skin

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