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Dr Broyles Journalism 2000 002 April 15 2014 No class on Thursday Cell Phone Deprivation assignment Cannot use phone for a whole day while walking to and from class What is the world like without phones Also 1 weekend day of your choice cannot text for 6 hours Write up a one page double space paper from what you learned about dependency on phone what you saw how you felt about experiment Due Next Tuesday April 22 2014 Account Planning This is the strategy side of the business They are the voice of the consumer It s really important to understand the consumer Research o Primary vs Secondary Primary research is research that you do yourself You are asking people for their opinion giving out surveys anything that you do to get research Secondary research is research that has already been done for you This is anything that you have to go look up somewhere o Quantitative vs qualitative random samples Quantitative is anything you can measure It includes surveys Qualitative are things that are not random Focus groups you have to do several of these to get good information The British were less reliant on Quantitative data They had some issues with research They started to redefine departmental roles They were trying to come up with a new name for people doing qualitative data A lot of names were thrown about but none of them really stuck until someone came up with account planner and that is what we know them to be today What makes a good planner o A good planner is well versed in all the data information no matter how they get there It s all about getting any and all data that they can get in order to make advertising better It s about asking questions and gathering information Researcher vs Planner o The account planner is part of the creative process They are actively involved in the account It is important for the planner to come up with the strategy that helps the creative take over They always have a point of view they understand the consumer and become the voice of the consumer The become the consumers advocate and can tell the agency what will work and what wont because they know the consumer so well When the campaign is done they figure out what went well and what went wrong It s basically research done right o Researchers used to be the bad guys but now they are not Researchers just use the research they don t have an actual point of view How did account planning end up in the U S o Jane Newman o Jay Chiat of Chiat Day Was visiting London and caught on to the idea of planning No body in the united states had done account planning except for Jane Newman who came to the United States with that experience This is how account planning got started in the United States I solve problems o Account planners are problem solvers You get paid to come up with ideas and solve problems based on these ideas The Voice of the consumer o This is SUCH an important concept Account planners are the VOICE of the consumer they are in charge of getting the voice of the consumer out there so that people know how great the consume is The Creative Brief is the planner s masterpiece o When a planner gives a creative brief to the team it has to be exciting It has to be an event There have been teams who have brought in sand and palm trees to get the creative team hyped up on a Margarita advertisement o The planner has to figure out what it is that will make the creative He who understands the consumer best wins o If you want to win in this business it is vital to understand the brief amazing consumer

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UNT JOUR 2000 - Account Planning

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