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KIN 1600 Labor Obesity Crime Prison The United States is the most expensive place on earth to have a baby 60 percent of all private insurance plans don t cover paternity stuff It costs just under 10 000 dollars to have a hospital delivery and just over 15 000 dollars if you want to have a C section We are the most obese country in the world However a UN report has revealed that Mexico is slowly closing the gap Obesity contributes to an estimated 100 000 to 400 000 deaths each year Overall 35 percent of adults are obese and 17 percent of American children By 2018 it is estimated that obesity will cost the US over 350 billion dollars Anxiety Disorders Post traumatic stress OCD etc The US is the world champion of anxiety It is estimated that 20 percent of the population has an anxiety disorder in any single year Caused by the inability to manage stress Stress is the foundation to mental health We are number one in the world in civilian firearms We even beat Iraq Serbia and other countries with civil wars We own more guns than there are people The US murder rate from guns is the second highest in the world Mexico is higher because they have a drug war going on For ever 100 people there are 101 5 guns bought We have the most people in prison in the world We have more than Russia Cuba or China There are approximately 4575 facilities for jailing people Norway only puts 71 out of 100 000 people in jail 2 2 million estimated prisoners In US we lock up 715 prisoners for every 100 000 people 71 000 are juveniles in US of 2 million Energy Use We are the global leader of energy use per person Energy consumption has almost tripled since 1950 We account for in the US 19 percent of the world s energy production Health Care Cocaine Use Of all industrialized countries we rank last in quality of health care However health care in the US is the most expensive in the entire world For each person in the US each year approximately 8200 is spent on health care per person The next highest spenders below the US Switzerland 3000 per person We are tied with Spain when it comes to cocaine use However in the last decade or so cocaine use has dropped significantly Approximately 2 million Americans are regular cocaine users Out of that 2 million 700 000 are addicted to crack cocaine The biggest supplier used to be Columbia now it is Peru Bosses of plants and industries used to give cocaine to the workers so they Cocaine is the 3rd most popular drug behind marijuana and alcohol could work harder and longer linked to capitalism Random LA Statistics Approximately 27 percent of all adults smoke cigarettes National average is around 20 percent We rank 49th in infant mortality We rank last in high school students who are not working not in school and 10 percent of all infants in birth die not in the military 12 percent of high school kids do nothing 11 percent of kids drop out in high school 50th in high school dropouts 46th in violent crimes meaning that we don t have conflict resolution skills For every 100 000 people in LA 700 are victims of crime 47th in motor vehicle deaths 68 percent of people in LA wear their safety belt Louisiana has the worst health status of all states NO and BR are top 5 AIDS cases per capita We try to use the word wellness instead of health because health implies that you are not sick 6 Dimensions of Wellness Physical wellness Emotional wellness or mental health self esteem is the foundation of emotional wellness Intellectual wellness weakest one for us Spiritual wellness to be able to function we have to believe in something helping us cope with the concept of death Inner personal wellness social wellness solving problems together Environmental wellness Must be exceeding in all dimensions in order to achieve total wellness Focus on behavior change working on one behavior at a time 6 Part Behavior Change Pre contemplation You realize that you have a problem Contemplation Trying to understand your problem Preparation Coming up with your detailed plan to solve your problem Action Doing your plan doing what you say integrity Maintenance Reaching your goal and maintaining it Termination You no longer have urges and have made a lifestyle change Wellness Profile Believe that health is active theme of this class it is not something that happens to us it is the result of our actions We can change our actions and therefore change our wellness Know how to manage stress Have good self esteem Result is that you will have good inter personal relationships with others Eating and exercising Understanding the concept of sexuality can include gender role Avoiding tobacco Knowing the concept of self treatment handling problems on our own Intelligently utilizing the health care system first adult decision you will have to make when you get a job Learning about injuries and infections Understanding aging and death Doing your share to save the planet Concept of Stress Stress is defined as how you respond when something threatens you Most college stress has to do with the concept of time Negative things that cause stress are known as distress Good things can also cause stress ex Having a child winning the lottery getting a new job etc and they are called eustress The problem is not the event or the stressor but rather how we react to it As a human being we have the ability to respond any way we want We can control how we respond Our body reacts in the same way whether the stress is good or bad General Adaptation Syndrome This way is called the General Adaptation Syndrome created by Haans Selye Three Parts 1 The alarm stage fight or flight In the body the blood pressure rises adrenaline is released break out into a sweat pupils dilate hearing becomes acute all the stored up sugar and fat gets released into your blood stream for energy for men it goes to the stomach for women it goes to your butt blood is removed from esophogial track and is moved to the major muscle groups causing nausea and ulcers immune system turns off because it takes the most energy of any of your body systems 2 The resistance stage If you cannot deal with the stress in the alarm stage no resolution you move into this stage You are actively attempting to fight the stress off in this stage Ex exercise make a plan sleep eat not eat not sleep all coping strategies utilized to return to normal which either works or fails This stage compromises your well being Negative coping strategies include alcohol drugs self inflicted pain inflict pain

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