KIN 1600 Mental Health Happiness does not equate to good mental health Good mental health includes a positive self concept Mental health can be worked on but you have to want it 1 Going to see a counselor or therapist 2 Get pills cocaine was first used for alcoholics 3 Cannot do one without the other and get well 4 Never stop psychotropic medicine cold turkey psychotic break 5 Cheap way increased self understanding or going through a process to help you understand yourself better Increased Self Understanding Be a good communicator focus on language what you say and what you write Examine and live by your value system Practice your self esteem 1 Sense of connection how you behave when you are in a group situation 2 Sense of uniqueness you can identify things that make you more different than anybody else and you are proud of those things 3 Sense of power you can live your own life you don t allow other people to direct you or make decisions for you how you respond to peer pressure 4 Sense of models knowing right from wrong people in your life teach you this and influence what you think is right and wrong Must practice all four aspects in order to have good self esteem Meeting the four basic emotional needs 1 Sense of belonging feeling important 2 Love 3 Able to live daily life 4 Variety the spice of life Positive Self Concept Realistic Grounded The Result Integrity doing what you say you are going to do Mental Health Disorders National Alliance of Mental Illnesses NAMI o 25 or 58 million Americans have a mental health disorder in a given year o Out of that 25 15 17 live with a major mental disorder o 10 of children live with a major mental disorder o About 2 4 million Americans live with schizophrenia about 1 of the o 5 7 million Americans or 2 5 live with bipolar disorder o MDD or Major Depressive Disorder is one of the most common mental o Almost 15 million people have been diagnosed with MDD close to 7 adult population health illnesses of the adult population Anxiety Disorders PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder OCD Generalized Anxiety Disorder About 40 million people or 19 of the adult population have anxiety Phobias Panic attacks MHD Statistics Disorders Cost of MHD to Economy 5 2 million Americans have a MHD an addiction Close to 30 of homeless people have a MHD an addiction 75 of all MHD will be seen before the age of 24 90 of people that commit suicide have a MHD that could have been treated 25 of people in jail have a treatable MHD 15 of teenagers with a MHD drop out of high school People that are mentally ill can t work and need government services to live are sick all the time decreasing productivity or go to work and do not do well Costs 79 billion dollars a year almost all of it lost from productivity Dependent Personality Disorder being clingy difficulty making decisions need somebody else in their life telling them what to do all the time don t express disagreement want to agree will go to great lengths to be accepted even if it means doing something they don t like when a relationship ends friendship or romance they are fixated on finding a new relationship quickly uncomfortable and helpless when alone Schizoid comfortable being detached from all social relationships don t desire relationships engage in solitary activities very little interest in sex don t have any friends except for 1st degree relatives could care less if people criticize or praise them don t need approval emotionally cold and detached same voice tone Paranoid Personality Disorder unusual level of distrust of others worried about seeing if their friends are loyal or trustworthy can t do their own work because they are always worried someone is out to get them sometimes mistaken for schizophrenia love to feel offended think people are always tearing them down look for it in voice tone and facial expressions become obsessed in a relationship if the other person is cheating or not hold grudges Histrionic Personality Disorder excessive emotion attention seeking behavior uncomfortable when they are not the center of attention inappropriate or sexually provocative behavior may be used to get attention utilize physical appearance to be noticed appearance is important to them theatrical self dramatizing exaggerated expressions of emotion other people can direct them easily constantly think that their relationships are more serious and intimate than they actually are Dissociative Personality Disorder controversy multiple personality disorder form personalities in their head usually because they are a victim of early age abuse and use it to take their mind somewhere else each personality is called an alter some people have 3 and some have 10 each alter has a its own gender and physical problems sometimes they can speak foreign languages if you have 2 or more alters you have this illness treated through hypnosis therapist talks to all the alters and tries to reconcile the problems in the person people lose blocks of time end up somewhere they don t remember going dissociative amnesia group therapy group being alters sometimes mood stabilizers alters come out during times of high stress and anxiety can have different voice tone or age 2604 class goes more in depth Avoidant Personality Disorder feel inadequate have trouble with social interactions extremely sensitive about what other people think and say about them changes their employment life only seek jobs where they don t talk to anybody else don t want to get in social situation unless they are 100 sure they will be liked or know the result show great restraint with intimate relationships because they have a fear of being shamed or ridiculed will only allow people to know a certain amount preoccupied with being criticized believe they are socially inept believe people are judging them and making fun of them not risk takers Narcissistic Personality Disorder men are called phallic narcissists obsessed with their bodies craving narcissists are emotionally needy and demanding have poor memory of making mistakes paranoid narcissists despise themselves but take it out on others through being overly critical and jealous manipulative narcissists love to hold something over somebody feel superior by lying or manipulating all narcissists have a grandiose sense of self importance insist on being superior can only be understood by special or smart people demand praise constantly feel entitled have an attitude act or speak in an arrogant way Anti Social
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