Chapter 9 Notes America was the first society in the world organized by the principle of democratic capitalism and its promise of equality for all Land sails west of the App mtns soared in the early 19th century Between 1800 and 1820 the trans Appalachian population soared from 300 000 to 2 million Kentucky and TN Another wav traversed the Blue Ridge Mtns from MD and VA crossing into Many of the pioneers stayed only a few years before continuing westwar in search of cheaper and more fertile land The westward migration of whites brought incessant conflict with native americans Politicians suppressed the issue of slavery Technological innovations and their social applications fostered an array of Free enterprise was the was the keynote of the era new industries and businesses The emergence of a factory system transformed the nature of work for many Americans Jeffersonian Simplicity o March 4 1801 the 57 year old Thomas Jefferson became the first president to be inaugurated in the new federal city Washington DC o Congress had at last found a permanent home but enjoyed few amenities Jefferson in Office o Jefferson s informal inauguration befitted the primitive surroundings o Jefferson appealed for unity in his inaugural speech o Took pains to avoid the occasions of pomp and circumstance o Called his election the revolution of 1800 o Overwhelming reelection in 1804 attest to the popularity of his philosophy o He was the first president to pursue the role of party leader o Jefferson chose his cabinet very wisely o In 1802 congress repealed the judiciary act of 1801 Marbury vs Madison unconstitutional o The first case in which the supreme court declared a federal law o Involved the appointment of the Maryland Federalist William Marbury prominent land speculator as justice of the peace in DC Marbury s letter of appointment signed by Adams 2 days before he left office was undelivered when Madison took office as secretary of state and Jefferson directed him to withhold it o Marshall established the stunning precedent of the court s declaring a federal law invalid on the grounds that it violated provisions of the constitution Domestic Reforms foreign affairs o Established the supreme court as the final judge of constitutional interpretation o Feud between Thomas Jefferson and John Marshall over the Marbury case revealed fundamental divisons over the nature of the new nation o First term produced a succession of triumphs in both domestic and o Jefferson detested Hamilton s belief hat a federal debt was a national blessing because it gave the bankers and investors a direct stake in the success of the new republic o Jefferson tried to reduce government expenses and paying down the debt o Jefferson won the repeal of the whiskey tax o Napoleonic wars in Europe increased American shipping traffic and padded the federal treasury o Decided to cut back on military expenses o Jan 1 1808 Jefferson outlawed the slave trade o S C was the only state that still permitted the slave trade at that time o Approximately 300 000 enslaved black were smuggled into the us between 1808 and 1861 The Barbary Pirates o On the Barbary coast of N Africa the rulers of Morocco Algiers Tunis and Tripoli had practiced piracy and extortion for years o Mediterranean pirates captured American vessels and enslaved the crews o In 1801 the pasha of Tripoli declared war on the US o War dragged on until 1805 o Pasha settled for a 60 000 ransom and released the Philidelphia s crew The Louisiana Purchase Jefferson s time o The LA purchase of 1703 was the greates single achievement of o More than doubled the territory of the US o Napoleon was the most feared man in Europe and America o Jefferson sent Robert R Livingston to Paris as the new US minister to France million o Napoleon was willing to sell the LA territory to the Americans o Treaty of Cession 1803 the US obtained the LA territory for 15 o LA became the union s 18th state in 1812 o In 1813 the Americans took over the rest of W Florida Lewis and Clark o In 1803 Jefferson asked congress to fund a mapping and scientific expedition to the far NW beyond the Mississippi river o In 1804 corps of discovery set out from a small village near St Louis o Lewis and Clark kept detailed journals of their travels and drew maps o Added Sacagawea to their party in the spring after spending the of the unexplored regions wineter in Fort Mandan o Sac Was an enormously helpful guide translator and negotiatior o Spent the next winter at Fort Clastop o In the spring Lewis went home on the same route and Clark followed the Yellowstone river Political Schemes o Jefferson had solid support in the south and the west o In 1809 John Quincy Adams son of former pres would become a republican o A group of ardent Massachusetts federalists called the Essex Junto considered seceding from the union o Burr shot Hamilton through the heart and that ended Picering s scheme and Burr s political career o In 1804 republicans renominated Jefferson and chose George Clinton for VP first landslide in American history o 12th amendment electors use separate ballots to vote for pres and VP John Randolph and the old Republicans o Federalists made up only of the new congress o John Randolh of Roanoke became the most conspicuous of the dissidents o Strutted about the house floor with a whip in his hand symbol of his relish for contrarian positions o Adherence to party principles had rendered them more Jeffersonian than Jefferson himself o Mostly southerners who defended states rights and strict construction of the constitution o Opposed any compromise with the federalists The Burr Conspiracy o Aaron burr despised the president o Ended career for good when he killed Hamilton o Fled to Spanish held FL o As long as he wasn t in NY or NJ he couldn t be arrested o Focused his attention on a cock eyed scheme to carve out a personal empire for himself in the west o Conspired to get the LA territory to secede and set up an independent o Learned in early 1807 that Jefferson had ordered his arrest o He was charged with treason and brought for trial before John republic Marshall o Because there were not to witnesses to find burr of treason he was not guilty War in Europe o In 1805 napoleon s crushing defeat of Russian and Austrian forces left him in control of western Europe o Britain s defeat of the French and Spanish fleets left them in control of the seas Harassment by Britain and France The Embargo o In 1805 the British ruled that
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