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Child Psychopathology Exam Three Textbook Notes Chapter Six Conduct Problems Description of Conduct Problems o Conduct problems Antisocial behaviors Age inappropriate actions and attitudes of a child that violate family expectations societal norms and the personal or property rights of others Conduct problems Display variety of disruptive and rule violating behaviors annoying but minor behaviors like whining swearing tantrums to serious behaviors like vandalism theft assault o Typically grow up in unfortunate family and neighborhood situations physical abuse neglect poverty exposure to criminal activity Aggressive behaviors are an adaption to home and neighborhood violence neglect Context costs and perspectives o Context About 50 of parents report that their preschoolers lie steal disobey destroy property but 10 of parents of young adolescents do Decrease in may be due to parents lack of awareness but antisocial behavior does decrease with age Vary in severity from minor disobedience to fighting Some antisocial behaviors decrease with age disobeying at home others increase with age hanging around troubled kids More common in boys than girls during childhood but this difference narrows in adolescence o Social and Economic Costs o Perspectives Legal Extreme pattern of antisocial behavior occurs in about 5 of kids Accounting for over 50 of all crime in US and about 30 50 of clinic referrals More teenagers in US fie form firm arm injuries than diseases combined Either delinquent or criminal acts Juvenile delinquency children who have broken a law Legal definitions result from apprehension and court contact so they exclude antisocial behaviors of very young kids occurring in home school Minimum age of responsibility is 12 in most states provinces in PA it s 10 o No clear boundaries exist between delinquent acts that are reactions to environmental conditions and those from factors within the child Only some with meet a legal definition of delinquency and the definition for a mental disorder Psychological Externalizing behavior impulsive overactive aggressive and rule breaking acts o Rule breaking behavior and aggressive behavior Rule breaking running away setting fires stealing skipping school using alcohol drugs vandalism Aggressive fighting destructiveness disobedience showing off being defiant threatening others disruptive at school Overt covert dimension Destructive nondestructive dimension Four categories of conduct problems o Covert destructive Property violations Fire setting steals vandalism lies cruel to animals o Overt destructive Aggression Spiteful cruel assault blames others fights bullies High risk for later psychiatric problems and impairment in functioning esp if display persistent physical fighting o Covert nondestructive Status violations Runaway truancy swears breaks rules substance use o Overt nondestructive Oppositional behavior Temper defies argues annoys angry stubborn touchy Psychiatric Conduct problems ARE distinct mental disorders In DSM IV TR disruptive behavior disorders persistent patterns of antisocial behavior represented by categories of ODD and CD DSM 5 will most likely include dimensional measures that are sensitive to severity of conduct problems and to subclinical levels of symptoms not enough symptoms to qualify for categorical diagnosis of CD or ODD Public Health Blends legal psychiatric psychological views Concept is prevention and intervention o Goal reduce number of injuries and deaths personal suffering and economic costs associated with youth violence Summarizing the perspective Legal conduct problems defined as criminal acts that result in apprehension and court contact and are referred to as delinquent Psychological CP are continuous dimension of externalizing behaviors Psychiatric CP viewed as distinct categories of mental disorder based on symptoms called disruptive behavior disorders ODD CD o Oppositional Defiant Disorder ODD Age inappropriate stubborn hostile and defiant DSM IV TR Defining Features behaviors Diagnostic criteria 1 Pattern of negative hostile and defiant behavior lasting AT LEAST SIX MOS During which FOUR OR MORE are present a Loses temper argues with adults actively defies refuses to comply with adults requests or rules deliberately annoys people blames others touchy easily annoyed by others angry resentful spiteful or vindictive 2 Disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant impairment in social academic or occupational fxning 3 Behaviors don t exclusively during course of a Psychotic or Mood disorder 4 Criteria not met for CD and if under 18 not met for APD Usually appears by age 8 Many behaviors temper tantrums arguing are relatively common in young children Severe age inappropriate ODD behaviors are not common o Have sever effects of parent child interactions Frequent temper tantrums of 20 60 minutes are not common Can have extremely negative effects on parent child interactions Children are high risk for developing secondary mood anxiety impulse control disorders Symptoms Negative affect like angry irritable mood o Predicts later depression Defiance defiant headstrong behavior o Predicts later behavior disorders Current Views on ODD Some think that it s silly to be marked as a mental illness see it as medicalizing behaviors that most people consider normal or eccentric Gives helpers and kids wrong idea that there is some biological disorder when the child has just grown up in troubled traumatic environment o Conduct Disorder CD Repetitive and persistent pattern of severe aggressive and antisocial acts that involve inflicting pain on others or interfering with rights of others through physical and verbal aggression stealing or committing acts of vandalism Diagnostic Criteria 1 Repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age appropriate societal norms or rules are violated Must have THREE OR MORE of following criteria in PAST 12 MOS with at least one criteria in past six months a Aggression to people and animals i Bullies threatens intimidates initiates physical fights used weapon physically cruel to people and animals stolen while confronting victim forced someone into sexual activity b Destruction of property i Deliberately set fires destroyed others property other than setting fires c Deceitfulness or Theft i Broken into house car building lies to get goods favors cons others has stolen items of no value shoplifting without breaking and entering forgery d

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Pitt PSY 1270 - Chapter Six: Conduct Problems

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