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Child Psychopathology Study Guide Exam 4 Anxiety Agoraphobia Form of anxiety characterized by a fear of being alone in and avoiding certain places or situations from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing or in which help may be unavailable in the event of a panic attack Anxiety Mood state characterized by strong negative affect bodily symptoms of tension and apprehensive anticipation of future danger or misfortune Anticipatory anxiety Behavioral inhibition BI Ability to delay one s initial reactions to events or to stop behavior once it has begun o BIS Subsystem of the brain that produces anxiety and inhibits ongoing behavior in the presence of novel events innate fear stimuli and signals of nonreward or punishment Compulsions Repetitive purposeful and intentional behaviors or mental acts that are performed in response to an obsession Exposure Behavior therapy technique for treating anxiety disorders that exposes the subject to the source of the fear while providing appropriate and effective ways of coping with the fear other than escape and avoidance Fear An alarm reaction to current danger or life threatening emergencies marked by strong escape oriented tendencies and a surge in the sympathetic nervous system Fight flight response Immediate reaction to perceived danger or threat whereby efforts are directed toward protecting against potential harm either by confronting the source of danger fight or by escaping the situation flight Flooding Procedure for treating anxiety that involves prolonged and repeated exposure to the anxiety provoking situation until the subject s level of anxiety has diminished Generalized anxiety disorder GAD Form of anxiety disorder in which the subject experiences chronic or exaggerated worry and tension almost always anticipating disaster even in the absence of obvious reason to do so The worrying is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as trembling muscle tension headache and nausea Graded exposure Gradual exposure of a subject to a feared situation Negative affectivity A persistent negative mood evidenced by nervousness sadness anger and guilt Obsessions Persistent intrusive and irrational thoughts ideas impulses or images that focus on improbable or unrealistic events or on real life events that are greatly exaggerated Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD Form of anxiety disorder in which the subject experiences repeated intrusive and unwanted thoughts that cause anxiety and often engages in ritualized behavior to relieve this anxiety Panic Group of unexpected physical symptoms of the fight flight response that occur in the absence of any obvious threat or danger Panic attack Sudden and overwhelming period of intense fear of discomfort accompanied by 4 or more physical and cognitive symptoms characteristic of fight flight response Panic disorder PD Form of anxiety disorder characterized by panic attacks and sudden feelings of terror that strike repeatedly and without warning Physical symptoms include chest pain heart palpitations shortness of breath dizziness and abdominal stress There is also persistent concern about having another attack and the possible implications and consequences it would bring Phobia Fear the occurs at an inappropriate age persists is irrational or exaggerated leads to avoidance of the object or event and causes impairment in normal routines Post traumatic stress disorder Form of anxiety disorder whereby the child displays persistent anxiety following exposure to or witnessing of an overwhelming traumatic event that is outside the range of usual human experience Response prevention Procedure used in the treatment of anxiety that prevents the child from engaging in escape or avoidance behaviors This procedure is usually used in conjunction with flooding School refusal behavior Form of anxious behavior in which the child refuses to attend classes or has difficulty remaining in school for an entire day Selective Mutism The inability or refusal to talk in social situations despite the fact that the subject may talk at home or in other settings Social phobia Marked and persistent fear of social or performance situations in which the subject is exposed to possible scrutiny and embarrassment Specific phobia Marked and persistent fear of clearly discernible circumscribed objects or situations Systematic desensitization Three step behavior therapy technique for treating anxiety whereby the child is taught to relax an anxiety hierarchy is constructed and the anxiety provoking stimuli are presented sequentially while the child remains relaxed Two factor theory Theory used to explain the learning and maintenance of fears through a combination of classical and operant conditioning 2 Differentiate between the anxiety disorders and between subtypes know the types of specific 1 Describe the defining features of anxiety disorders a Three components of anxiety i Physical symptoms ii Escape avoidance behavior iii Negative cognitions subjective distress phobias a Specific phobia i Animal ii Natural environment iii Blood injection injury iv Situational v Other 3 Understand course and outcomes a Onset i SAD 7 8 years earliest onset ii GAD 10 14 years iii Specific phobia 1 Animals darkness insects Blood injection injury 7 9 years 2 PEAK between 10 13 years iv Social phobia early to mid adolescence 1 Rarely under 10 v OCD 9 12 years 1 Peaks in early childhood adolescence 2 Family history for those with early onset vi PD 15 19 years post puberty b Prevalence i SAD 4 10 more in girls ii GAD 3 6 equal iii Specific phobia 4 10 more in girls iv Social phobia 6 12 more in girls v OCD 2 3 more in boys but community samples show no gender diff vi PD 1 of teenagers c Course d Symptoms i SAD mild to severe assc with major stress 1 Severe can persist into adulthood 33 ii GAD symptoms persist iii OCD chronic disorder 2 14 years after diagnosed iv PD worst prognosis of all anxiety disorders i SAD 3 or more for at least FOUR WEEKS 1 Fear of separation harm or loss of parent school refusal behavior ii GAD persist over time 1 Normally have at least one somatic symptom iii Social phobia 1 Selective mutism 3 4 years onset iv OCD Obsessions and compulsions v PD panic attacks 4 Know the developmental changes associated with typical fears and with the onset of anxiety disorders a Moderate amounts of anxiety are adaptive b Normal fears i Fear of the strange fear of the dark being alone are all normal when child is younger problem if adult has these ii

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