1 Unobtrusive measures Non reactive methods hidden camera show Analyze physical traits existing records and data and observations RCRJ 203 Criminology Cynthia Najdowski 1 30 14 cont Strength Real life scenario Very qualitative data Weakness No control Hard to quantify 2 Case study Life History Method In depth close up of one or a few participants Based on interviews diaries letters biographies autobiographies etc Strengths Weakness Have diaries and letters Participant knows they are being studied 3 Participant Observation Become intensively involved in a group to gain intimate familiarity with its culture and practices usually over time Strengths Naturalistic Qualitative Overcome bias Weakness Over identifying Ethical dilemma 4 Social Surveys Questionnaire telephone or online surveys interviews Strengths Quick and easy Quantifiable More control Weakness Self reporting limitation Lies on test Strength Control Accuracy Quantitative data Weakness Artificial study Cant generalize 5 Experiments Experimental groups based on independent variable ex male female How can you be sure Replication Triangulation Repeat the study with the same methods but different people Different populations in different scenario Use multiple methods to test the same hypothesis Research concerns Ethics Ethics individual responsibilities tied to deep moral judgments What kind of ethical concerns are raised by Social survey Experiments Participant observation Case study life history method Unobtrusive measures
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