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04 07 2014 Physiology Exam 11 Study Guide Cardiovascular conditions Hypotension low blood pressure Hemorrhage large loss of plasma fluids n P requires medical intervention IV needed to increase back to normal Shock blood flow o Sufficient damage visceral pain BP to prevent bleeding out o Spreads to other organs BP there too less blood flow they now feel pain BP even more Positive feedback cycle o Major change over in ER system 70s Triage system o How to help warm them lay down raise feet Hypertension chronic high BP Usually due to increased peripheral resistance heart must work harder o Narrow vessels BP must to push blood through Cause often unknown millions of places resistance could be occurring o Majority of people with HBP can t treat cause so treat symptoms o Sometimes due to problems in kidneys can treat cause Leads to ventricular hypertrophy o Ex ice cream scoopers 1 arm is muscular and not the other o If squeeze must always be harder need more muscles in heart bigger ventricle Increases size of the heart if it becomes too big harder to squeeze properly 3D shape muscle gets in the way massive biceps can t touch shoulder face lose ability to do contraction Heart getting too big less lung space can t expand fully Blood Component Overview Like a plumbing system in house need enough liquid solids 50 50 ratio to move through Plasma at least 50 liquid portion of our blood needed to move solids Components Water 90 plasma proteins o 1 Albumin important for pH pressure maintenance o 2 Immunoglobulins proteins of immune system antibodies o 3 Fibrinogen helps seal damage in vasculature system Transport materials and heat move temperature with plasma around in body Maintain BP and pH Provide immunity and clotting Blood cells Leucocytes white WBCs immune system Erythrocytes red RBCs bigger higher amount Platelets participate in hemostasis solving openings in vasculature system to keep blood within the vessels and not leaking out Erythrocytes Small 5 7 micrometers determines size of the smallest vessel capillary o Want capillary to be small as possible Lack nucleus and organelles trying to make small as possible o Get energy only via glycolysis o No repair capacity not able to survive do as much as other cells Biconcave ellipse pushed in in middle on both sides o Maximizes surface area helps with diffusion o Minimum width to shimmy through capillaries Primary function transport oxygen to carbon dioxide away from cells o But oxygen is nonpolar stays inside cell by attaching to hemoglobin protein inside RBCs oxygen now can t leave RBC through walls o Hemoglobin has capacity to hold 4 oxygen at a time impact bind with CO2 H and carbon monoxide NO nucleus no direction to repair Hb if damaged shelf life 120 days Erythropoiesis process of replacing RBCs trigger to make more Where bone marrow Rate 2 3 million RBCs per second Needs like all the ingredients needed to make brownies o Iron needed for hemoglobin o Vitamin B12 o Folic acid issue for pregnant women need enough for 2 Need a trigger to begin production of more RBCs Erythropoietin endocrine associated with kidney components monitored by chemoreceptors main determining factor amount of O2 present in flow o O2 release of EPO by kidneys binds to receptors in bone marrow RBCs capacity for blood to carry O2 due to more hemoglobin more O2 binding sites O2 in blood O2 in tissues Negative feedback process o Athletes take EPO to of RBCs to stay aerobic longer perform better Checking mechanism removal of old RBCs o Where Spleen and liver o Bilirubin is produced by breakdown of hemoglobin Hb Excreted after yellow color urine and part of feces If not excreted not cleared properly jaundice yellow nails eyes Deficits of RBCs anemia decreased O2 carrying capacity in blood rely more on anaerobic activity many causes of anemia Forms of anemia classes exist due to RBCs don t do job properly or bad Hb o Nutritional dietary inefficiency of iron common o Pernicious inability to absorb vitamin B12 in gut need mechanism to pull vitamin B12 out from diet Shots used to put B12 directly into system skips digestive system o Aplastic insufficient amount of bone marrow Ex No oven to bake brownies o Renal insufficient erythropoietin kidney problems Don t have right trigger to start erythropoiesis make RBCs o Hemorrhagic excessive blood loss includes RBCs IV can fix pressure problem but doesn t address O2 carrying capacity need blood transfusion to add RBCs back into system o Hemolytic Excessive RBC destruction Liver spleen too good at job o Sick cell Genetic mutation of Hb structure Shape change in RBCs problems going through blood vessels Blocks flow to areas cascade of events in body Affects O2 carrying capacity Folic acid is not a form b c only affects pregnant women First 6 forms changed number of RBCs Polycythemia too many RBCs Blood becomes too viscous Causes o Over secretion of erythropoietin heart must work harder to push more viscous blood through system Can be via injections for athletes to stay aerobic longer o Hyper responsiveness to erythropoietin greater production of RBCs Receptors in bone marrow increased affinity for erythropoietin o Chronic low O2 smokers high altitudes kidney registers low O2 more RBCs more viscous blood People that live in higher altitudes have chronic lower level of oxygen RBCs Climbing mountain Go up to level stay for few days oxygen start RBC production repeat process If try to go straight up won t have enough RBCs to carry limited oxygen high up o Athletes levels of erythropoietin by training at high altitudes force them to have low level of oxygen around them become polycythemic naturally As opposed to cheating by injection Benefits stay aerobic longer Consequences issues with meeting demand of higher viscosity blood health risks must make sure they can handle it by physical test Hemostasis Fixing damage to the vascular system system fixes itself thousands of times day Ex Like oil leaking in your car and can result in small bruises on skin Best in arterioles capillaries and venules low hydrostatic pressure o Not as easy in arteries veins bigger more hydrostatic pressure Hard to fix window during a hurricane Major player endothelial cells fixing themselves Stages 3 total Order needed to get them started but does not mean A is done once B gets started or A could get the job done o 1 Vascular spasm immediate vasoconstriction brings ends and damaged area in closer small breaks vasoconstrict and are closed thousands of time

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