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Theory Standpoint Theory Author Georg Hegel Date 1807 Theory Summary 5 5 Key Terms Evaluation People are situated in different social locations based on membership in social groups Due to this people view the social situation from different vantage points Feminism women s social position Standpoint achieved position based on social location Partial nobody has complete view of social hierarchy Outsider Within person moves from marginalized position to more privileged one Accuracy ability to see more than one s own social location Situated Knowledges one s knowledge is grounded in context circumstance Sexual Division of Labor allocation of work based on sex Essentialism all men are same all women are same and they differ Dualism organizing things around pairs of opposites Scope social hierarchy Parsimony standpoint theory is easy to understand Logical Consistency the theory is logically consistent Utility standpoint theory is useful to understand social locations but it is criticized for being based around essentialism Test of Time standpoint theory has been around forever Heurism the theory has been the premise for much research and is heuristic Testability the theory could probably be tested by surveying individuals from different 5 5 The usefulness of this theory is debated but I see it as useful for explaining bias social locations

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KSU COMM 25902 - Standpoint Theory

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