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Kinesiology 2504 Test 3 Outline Chapters 6 8 Chapter 6 Understanding Body Composition Body Composition Concepts Body of lean tissue and fat tissue in your body the relative amounts Composition To determine this one must determine lean body mass fat body mass and percent body fat Lean Body Mass Fat Mass Percent Body Fat Body s total amount of lean fat free tissue muscle bones skin organs body fluids Body mass made up of fat tissue The percentage of your total weight that is fat tissue weight of fat divided by total body weight Essential Fat Fat necessary for normal body functioning including in the brain muscles nerves lungs heart and digestive and reproductive systems o Women need a minimum of 12 and men need a minimum of 3 Storage Fat body s surface Nonessential fat stored in tissue near the Why do My Body Size Shape and Composition Matter Knowing body composition can help assess health risks o Those who are overweight obese have an increased risk for heart disease and premature death and disability in adulthood Evaluating body size and shape can motivate healthy behavior change o Behavior change as opposed to weight loss because fat weighs less than muscle How Can I Evaluate My Body Size and Shape Calculate your body mass index BMI A common measurement based o BMI on weight and height to assess disease risks Very low or very high BMI correlate with greater risk and death and disability Only a rough estimate provides are starting point for waist management Only a number NOT a percentage different than body fat percentage o How to Convert Weight in pounds divided by 2 2 and you ll get weight in kilograms Convert height in inches times 2 54 then divided by a hundred to get meters Weight in kg divided by height squared o Understand the limits of BMI Scores do not differentiate between fat and lean body mass Can be misleading for athletes body builders short petite o BMI and Health Underweight BMI is less than 18 5 Normal 18 5 24 999 Overweight 25 29 9 Obese Over 30 a predictor of disease risks o Measure your body circumference o People who are underweight can be at the same disease risk as someone who is overweight BMI is Use waist and hip measurements to determine your waist to hip ratio WHR Helps asses disease risk Men with waist circumference 102 and women with 88 are more at risk for diseases Measure at waist hips neck upper arm chest calf thigh o Waist Circumference BMI and Disease Risk Waist and hip circumference is another way to evaluate to give us an idea of disease risks example if you have a male who has a waist circumference greater than 102 cm or female with waist greater than 88 cm that is considered an increase risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease Ab fat is more ready to break off travel clog vessels throughout the body WHR waist hip ration its your waist circumference divided by your hip circumference Young adults If men have WHR of 94 or greater and females have 82 or greater they are considered a higher risk for chronic diseases These are all numbers not percentages these are ways to evaluate your size and shape o Identify your body s patterns of fat distribution Patterns mostly genetic Android Pattern o Apple shaped o Excess fat mainly on upper body and trunk o Increased risk for chronic disease usually males are apples and females are pears Gynoid Pattern o Pear shaped o Excess body fat on lower body hips and thighs o Associated with greater disease risk Subcutaneous fat Visceral Fat Stronger relationship to disease risk Adipose Tissue that is located just below the surface of the skin Adipose tissue that surrounds organs in the abdomen Methods used to Assessing Body Composition Most accurate are MRI and CT scan but they aren t used for this reason Skinfold Measurements Fold of subcutaneous fat that is measured with calipers to determine fatness of a specific body area o Calipers Hand held and spring loaded instrument with calibrated jaws and a meter tha reads skinfold thickness in millimeters ONLY estimate Accurate assessments require experience and practice 3 4 error just from human errors Females 3 Sights Triceps superilliac thigh Males 3 sights Chest ab thigh Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry DXA soft tissue muscle fat to determine bone density and estimate percent body fat A technique using 2 low radiation X rays to scan bone and o The gold standard for assessing body composition o Uses low radiation x rays to distinguish body components fat tissue and lean tissue o Dual energy x ray also used for bone density o Error is 1 3 only issue we have with DXA is it is not designed for extrememly obese individuals o Expensive and aren t designed for obese Hydrostatic Weighing Underwater Weighing Technique that uses water to determine total body volume total body density and percent body fat Measures total bod displacement o Fatter tends to float o Valid and reliable o Requires an equipped facility Air Displacement Bod Pod An egg shaped chamber that measures total body air displacement to determine total body volume total body density and percent fat o Used with other measures for a full assessment o Very expensive so we have come up with other methods o Deals with how much air is displaced estimates body fat percentage o 2 3 error Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA Technique that distinguishes lean and fat mass by measuring the resistance of various body tissues to electrical currents o Fat is more resistance to the electrical current and fat free conducts electricity better o Accuracy depends on machine quality and participant cooperation o Specific instructions that the individual needs to follow before the test if you do not follow pretest instructions it will skew the final results 3 4 error depending on quality of machine How to change Body Composition Follow a Well Designed Exercise and Nutrition Plan o Weekly Assess your body shape and size use indicators such as a mirror and the fit of your clothes Assess your weight Only weigh yourself once a week because the 1 2 pounds each day is mostly fluids o Monthly or Every Few Months Measure your body s circumferences Measure your BMI Measure your percent body fat Chapter 7 Improving Your Nutrition o Nutrient Nutrition Concepts Chemical compounds in food crucial to the body s growth and functioning includes proteins carbohydrates fats vitamins minerals and water Are broken down to make energy the study of o Nutrition how people consume and use food nutrients Try to understand daily diets and what we should

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