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o Both essential regulate metabolism coenzymes help the body use Minerals Vitamins vs Minerals macronutrients for energy o Work together o Minerals are inorganic Major minerals o Bone Health Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus o Electrolyte body fluid Potassium Sodium Chloride Factors affecting requirements o Interaction and competition with other minerals o Absorption capacity o Other substances present o Nutritional status life stage Calcium o Most abundant mineral in animal tissue 1 5 2 of the body 99 in bones and teeth 1 in bones and other tissues o Requires vitamin D for absorption o Functions Bone and teeth structure Blood clotting Nerve function Muscle contraction Cellular metabolism o Regulation of blood glucose o Cell differentiation o Cofactor for energy metabolism o Calcium in digestive tract Absorption is not efficient efficiency varies with life stage Competes with phosphorus for absorption o Calcium in bones is used a reservoir for other needs o Maintains blood calcium homeostasis o No signal from brain that you need calcium instead Increase absorption Bones release Ca to blood Kidneys prevent loss in urine Regulate via hormones and negative feedback mechanism o Deficiency In children Stunt growth Poor quality of bones and teeth Malformed bones rickets In adults Osteoporosis o Loss in collagen and minerals decrease total amount of bone o Major public health problem o Genetic lack of calcium and vitamin d during bone growth years gender and hormones body weight physical activity calcium absorption Phosphorus Osteomalacia o Calcium and bone health Peak at about 30 By 40 breakdown exceeds formation We want high bone mass when breakdown begins By 65 some women have lost 50 of bone mass o 1 of the human body second most abundant in body o 80 in bones and teeth 20 in blood and other tissues o functions Buffer to maintain pH Metabolism of protein lipid and CHO Component of ATP DNA RNA o Requirement Deficiency Deficiency is seldom observed long term consumption of antacids Most people consume more than the requirement Competes with calcium for absorption more readily absorbed Magnesium than calcium o Human body contains 20 30 g 70 in bones bones act as a bank o Remainder in soft tissue such as liver and muscle o 35 in circulation is bound to protein o Cofactor for many enzymes especially those involved in ATP o Maintenance for DNA and RNA structure o Required for regulation of temperature nervous activity muscle contraction and protein synthesis o Deficiency Toxicity Failure to grow followed by weakness Irritability Irregular heart beat Heart and kidney damage Seizures Abnormal nerve and muscle function Deficiencies are most likely seen in alcoholics or people with kidney disease Toxicity from large dose supplements antacids and laxatives Body Fluids o 60 in cells 40 in compartments outside of cells o More than 20 of extracellular fluid is found in circulatory system o Blood comprises about 5 of the weight of a healthy adult o Major minerals can bond together to form salts charged particles ions that carry electrical current that dissolve in body fluids o Cells tell the salts where to go and this tells the fluids where to go because water follows salt o Cells regulate water or fluid movement by pumping proteins minerals across membranes Fluid Composition o Extracellular contains large amounts of sodium and chloride o Intracellular contains large amounts of potassium and phosphate Sodium and Chloride o Commonly found together in foods o Join via ionic bonds to form salt o Added freely to foods during processing cooking a meal o Functions Electrolytes Fluid balance o Sodium Major extracellular cation ion with a positive charge in the greatest concentration outside of cells Acid base and osmotic balance of body fluids Nerve function Muscle contraction o Chloride HCl production Removal of carbon dioxide Immune function o Salt sensitivity Genetics Exercise Responsiveness of kidneys system genetic demonized High blood pressure and risk of heart disease High blood pressure sodium rarely due to dietary excess Potassium o Body contains about 300g o Major intracellular cation o Fluid and electrolyte balance o Important in muscle and nerve function o Excess sodium intake can lead to loss of potassium o Deficiency rare but comes from dehydration diuretics o Toxicity is safe from food but deathly in injection Sulfur Iron o Component of amino acids o Deficiency related to protein deficiency o Human body contains 3 5 g o Known to be a treatment for anemia in the 1600s o Important for red blood cell function fundamental role in hemoglobin molecule o Loss of iron from the body and absorption are strictly controlled o Deficiency Anemia Excessive periods of diarrhea peptic ulcers and excessive blood loss during menstruation can lead to anemia o Absorption Can only be stored when attached to protein Storage occurs in liver when attached to Ferritin If Ferritin contains more than 30 of iron it will be converted to hemosiderin and precipitate causes liver damage Absorbed into the cells that line the intestine Transferred to the liver by the protein transferrin o Hemochromatosis Excess iron absorption can be a problem in people who have a genetic lack of the iron binding protein o Required for function of the thyroid hormone thyroxin o Body contains about 15 30mg of iodine o Stored in thyroid as complex protein thyroglobulin o Deficiency Goiter Reported in China as early as 3000 BC When iodine intake is low the thyroid glad enlarges in an attempt to make more thyroxine o Coenzyme found in a variety of enzymes and involved in electron Iodine Copper transport o Recommendation 2mg day o Deficiency is rare in US Zinc o Deficiency Retarded growth Type of dwarfism o Toxicity Can suppress iron and copper absorption Fluoride Selenium o Added to toothpaste drinking water and other oral hygiene products o Strengthens teeth and bones o Coenzyme reduction of antioxidant enzymes o Relatively rare in well nourished people Food grown from selenium deficient soil o Controversial may help prevent cancer by acting as an antioxidant or enhancing immune activity Chromium o Required for sugar metabolism in humans o Deficiency can affect potency of insulin in regulating sugar balance rare in developed countries 1 Why are so much calcium phosphorus and magnesium found in bones a Used as a bank b critical 2 What factors are important in calcium absorption What mineral competes with calcium for absorption a Requires vitamin D

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OSU FDSCTE 2200 - Minerals

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