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Psychology 2301 Fall 2013 Study guide exam 3 The following terms and definition will be covered on the third exam Parenting styles Based on 2 dimensions control restrictive vs permissive and emotional support warmth 1 2 supportive or indifferent Diana Baumrind and parenting styles 2 dimensions allow for 4 categories Believed Authoritative to be best Warmth support positive outcomes key dimension of secure attachment 3 Authoritative authoritarian permissive uninvolved parenting styles Authoritative restrictive warm Democratic control by reasoning balance authority Kids have a voice Kids are well liked by friends and teachers socially and in school Better grades self reliant socially independent Authoritarian restrictive cold Not trying to be friends Kids are anxious aggressive lower teacher ratings for social skills and grades Permissive permissive warm Kids and parents are friends kids learn their own restrictions Kids are aimless aggressive rebellious self centered Uninvolved Indifferent permissive cold Don t engage or set restrictions Kids are bad in school early depression anxiousness non compliant 4 Theories of gender development Freudian psychoanalytic Gender Schema theory etc Freud Psychoanalytic Phallic stage roots of gender development Boys identify with father Girls don t fear like boys bond with moher identification Gender Schema Theory Martin Age 2 3 kids develop gender identity motivated to develop gender schemas organized knowledge of what is gender appropriate Schemas for boys girls and both Own gender schema incorporates generalized schemas Ambiguous information is distorted girl playing with boys toy is seen as a boy stereotypes Social Learning Theory Parents reward children for gender appropriate behavior by age 2 Direct instruction more reinforcement for appropriate gender stereotypical behaviors Observational learning kids observe imitate initially take in both boy and girl behaviors but by ages 5 7 have exclusive behavior for gender 5 Gender identity Ability to recognize self as boy or girl Boys instrumental traits such as active aggressive dominant ambitious outspoken Females expressive traits such as kind considerate emotional sensitive passive 6 Gender constancy Gender regardless of context and situations The understanding that gender is a component of the self that is not altered by external appearance 7 Significant physical development middle childhood Ages 6 12 Grow 2 3 inches year and 6 lbs Large motor coordination faster and stronger Fine motor coordination writing and drawing improves Musical instruments Girls 94 adult height by age 12 boys at 84 adult height Girls slightly more fat and less muscle better coordinated yet weaker 8 Major areas of brain growth middle childhood By age 5 master basic grammar and phonology Add 5 10 000 works per year between ages 6 12 Improve syntax with adjectives and adverbs 9 Association areas of brain Pituitary gland determines rate of physical maturation signals other glands to secrete General growth hormone thyroid stimulation hormone and other activating hormones Two major growth spurts in the brain during middle childhood both involve development of new synapses as well as increases in the thickness of the cerebral cortex 1st between ages 6 and 8 Primarily in sensory and motor areas Fine motor skills and hand eye coordination 2nd between ages 10 and 12 Frontal lobes develop that govern logic and planning Health and wellness head injuries and excessive weight gain BMI obesity 10 Wide range of head injuries Bike and car accidents most common Bike helmet reduces risk by 85 Usually no long term effects Asthma leading cause of school absence Chronic lung disease ages 5 7 Caused by hypersensitivity to allergens Bronchiole tube swelling mucus air blockage Identify causes how to avoid and administer medicine As lung capacity increases attacks decrease Excessive weight gain More in a year than expected from overeating and poor diet Decreased activity and increased availability of high calorie convenience foods 11 Piaget concrete operational stage decentration reversibility Concrete operational stage Kids develop powerful set of new concepts Increase logical and systematic nature of thinking Understand ball of clay is same mass regardless of shape Decentration Capacity to consider multiple factors Conservation task improves Understand tall skinny glass and fat short are same volume Reversibility 12 Adolescence The understanding that both physical actions and mental operations can be reversed Growth spurt rapid height and weight changes proportions change Typically starts around age 10 for girls peaks at age 12 slows around 13 13 Boys typically behind 2 3 years begin around 13 peak about 14 and stop around 15 16 Puberty sexual maturity Girls around age 11 Breast buds and pubic hair as early as 8 Uterus develops with muscles to accommodate fetus ovulation begins Average menstruation within 6 months of 13th birthday Boys around age 11 11 Scrotum and testes enlarge pubic hair Penis development complete 14 15 years old Early maturing as early as 12 Hormones and development of sex organs Thyroxine thyroid gland Adrenal androgen development of secondary sex characteristics in girls Testosterone crucial in formation of male genitals Estrogen development of menstrual cycle and breasts in girls 14 Early signs of puberty females and males Females negative body image Boys occupy leadership roles and are more academically and economically successful in Substance use for both adulthood Menarche The beginning of menstrual cycles Early and late maturing males and females Early maturing males do best poised confident leaders athletic popular Late maturing boys are unsure of self socially insecure catch up alter in life and are more innovative and adaptive Early maturing girls are less self confident less outgoing popular Best for girls to be on time 17 Illicit drug use in adolescence US has highest rate of drug use among industrialized 2008 18 HS students tried drug other than alcohol Alcohol most common 60 have at least 1 drink month 30 drink 5 drinks when drinking 35 college students heavy drinkers Alcoholism top 10 causes of death Eating disorder characterized by self starvation Anorexia nervosa Depression Girls twice as likely as boys Increased by divorce death loss of job move change in school lack of sleep 20 Piaget formal operations Entirely new form of though between ages 12 16 Adolescents learn to reason logically about abstract

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