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Kines 1223 Unit 2 Lecture 4 Connective tissue Connective tissue Classifications 1 2 3 4 Connective tissue proper Subsets 1 2 Types of loose connective tissue 1 2 3 Types of dense connective tissue 1 2 3 Fascia Structure Function Subdivisions 1 How are tendons different from ligaments 2 3 What are bursae Cartilage Structure Matrix Vascular or avascular Neural or aneural Obtain nutrients Types Hyaline cartilage Fibrocartilage Elastic Bone Matrix Blood Matrix Skeletal muscle Striated or smooth Voluntary or involuntary Visceral muscle Striated or smooth Voluntary or involuntary Cardiac Striated or smooth Voluntary or involuntary What is the difference between nerve cells and neuroglial cells Membranes Structure Function Types Synovial membrane Epithelial membrane Types of epithelial membranes Serous membranes Structure Function Mucous membranes Structure Function Cutaneous membranes Structure Skin Functions 1 2 3 4 5 6

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TEMPLE KINS 1223 - Connective tissue

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