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EXAM THREE 1 DISCUSSION 1 Rocco Style 18th and 19th century in France a Closely identified w Aristocracy 2 French Academy art school founded by King Lois 8th a Educate art b Hierarchy of subject matter c Art galleries to exhibit new works of art 3 Pilgrimage to Cythera Antoine Watteau a Characteristics of expression of grace fantasy parks gardens pastels extravagance b Watteau known for drawing groups and elegant peeps hanging out c This is groups of couples walking to and from Venus land d Venus sculpture on right and boat on left e All about love wonderful 4 Grande Odalisque Ingres a Shows transition from Neo Classical period to Romanticism b Neo Classical had lines c Resting place for women d Nude and reclining e Sexual availability f Not anatomically correct g Silks furs foot rubbing on leg hookah h Signed name UNIT ONE 1 Liberty places a major part in this modern art a New rules b Age of Revolution replacement of anarchies into democratic distribution i Changes area of art patronage Kings Queens and Church diminishes and middle class emerges c Art world controlled academics i Artists produce new different original pieces Modernism 1 People were upset at time this art was being produced 2 Liberty Leading the People Delacroix a French Revolution July 28th b Central figure semi nude woman holding flag and leading crowd in Revolutionary activity i Idealized classical world attributes sensual holds bayonet dynamic aggressive rebellious ii Warrior goddess c Dead and alive people but she continues onward d Landmarks in background e Represents spirit of Revolution industrial f Shift in power to middle class g Enlightenment h Romanticism faith in individual freedom i Agriculture society changed to urban world j Compared to Statue of Liberty more welcoming and Liberty Bell liberty fur USA 3 The Gleaners Millet a Peasant life b Gleaning after harvest and things were all picked and ready to go the poorest of the came from a prosperous agricultural family poor were invited to pick up scraps of leftovers i Traditional venerable activity sign of charity spiritual acts EXAM THREE 2 c Deindividualized dark figures front and center 4 The Stone Breakers Courbet Political insight feelings of concern for people who haven t had help yet a Seen as unfinished b Destroyed in fire bombing in WWII c Represents hard physical labor d Labor documents demographic changes e Old man and young boy sick labor of replacement f g Not an idealized its realism show world how you see it w no efforts to improve h Thickly layered i j Work based on observation k Realism makes adjustments to what one observes in order to make a political view l Boy and man represents One s life begins this way and it ends this way Sal Law where works of art were distributed this wasn t accepted i Older man teaches boy and one day the boy will grow into a man who teaches another young boy 5 Olympia Manet a Highly controversial b Nude reclining female c Black cat reference to female genitals covered available or unavailable d Prostitute e f Slim stares directly at viewers controversial g Maid giving flowers narrative client has come and is presenting her flowers h Painter is male and subject is nude female power of representation of woman s body i Revolutionary work j Contemporary practice direct idealized erotic sensual 6 Boulevard des Capucines Monet Olympia nickname for woman a Depiction of modern urbanized Paris b Location studio of important photographer and first impressionist exhibition c Photography helps to make art in more exploratory directions d Key French style impressionism e Bright open modern life fashionable dressed consumers airy light f Perceived in negative ways seen as unfinished mere impressions g Most works of art had too much ideal and it wasn t a world like people see it i Look at a scene and record what you see h Paris changing urban plan get rid of old streets and build alleys and boulevards i He was recording life of middle class his hopeful patrons j People appear to look like trees cars done same way k Viewpoint is from above 7 Paintings of modern world ukiyo e want impressionism a Record world as you saw it objectively what you see and subjectively do what you 8 Post impressionism quick brushstrokes bright subject of everyday life adjustments 9 Mont Sainte Victoire Cezanne a Obsessed with this mountain b Loose brushstroke bright color c Brushstrokes larger and thicker vertical horizontal diagonal d Wants to give view of world and wants to create an independent structure e Connects concepts of vision and scene f Visual organization 10 The Spirit of the Dead Watching Gauguin a Thought life in Paris was becoming too sophisticated and urban b Goes to Tahiti but was disappointed b c it was too touristy so he traveled further into EXAM THREE 3 island i I want peace and quiet simple c He was racist saw land as savage primitive d Sexist leaves Dutch family and marries this girl Tahora e Large eyes and naked body f Night ghost travel to watch and take life g Manet s Olympia i White vs dark skinned ii Lay on back vs lay on stomach iii Direct erotic vs fearful h Rejecting modernism and tries to gain eternal timeless values i Simple style w reference to Tahiti poles spirits decorations j Symbolism art focuses imagination mythic not describe but evoke 11 Self Portrait Van Gogh a Starts as preacher realist b Post Impressionism expressionism c Emotional issues d Bright color and big brushstrokes but extreme e Turbulence around face f Paints world as he sees it DISCUSSION 1 The Gleaners Millet a Avant garde emphasized innovations challenges against established guidelines b Realism does mean artistic i Reevaluation of life c No clouds or cupids people were poor and oppressed d Millet shows what gleaners go through e People do occupations of everyday life f Figures in foreground monumentalized g Horizon is flat background is bright h Around time of socialism speaking out for social issues i Low class job 2 The Stone Breakers Courbet a Social class issues Realism period b Destroyed in WW2 c Put in an exhibition Realist Manufaco d Artist shows only what you see and experience not based off history books e Stone breaking is a low class job f Old man teaching boy grow up and body teachers another boy continuing cycle of the poor 3 Olympia Manet a Flatness color b Showed at salon c So shocking had to put guards up so no one would destroy it d Prostitute looks powerful e Cat instead of dog Venus of Urbino EXAM THREE 4 i Pussy f

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