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EXAM 1 1 UNIT ONE Nile Valley in Egypt low lying rich agricultural regions o Nile River runs north and south o Civilization began here raised two crops o Farmers had to irrigate and bring water to land for crops o One season when river would overflow and help farmers Used astronomy and mathematics to predict overflowing Kingdoms o Old Kingdom o Middle Kingdom o New Kingdom Burials in pyramids Egypt and Mesopotamia Egypt had pyramids for Kings Old Kingdom o Kings controlled all of Egypt regarded as gods o Pyramids used to be covered with white gleaming limestone o Egyptians believed in spiritual life and thought dead kings would come to life to protect the city Used mummification to preserve bodies o Pyramids surrounded by places where priests used to live to preserve pyramid Mesopotamia now Iraq had tombs Old Kingdom o Euphrates River overflowed not on schedule o Royal Cemetery at Ur in Mesopotamia 1920s killed ladies in waiting because they believed in an actual afterlife o Symbolism in art and furniture Egyptian burials in Middle and New Kingdoms o Middle Kingdom kings shared wealth with nobles Nobles wanted to be recognized too so they built smaller tombs Smaller tombs had to be decorated with a lot of art o Pictures very elaborate generalized people idea of human being not exact Amenophis Amenhotep III grandfather of Tutankhamen father of Amenhotep IV replica o Great king and conqueror o New techniques in painting o Principle wife was Queen Tiy Amenhotep IV 18th Dynasty King Amarna Period o Challenged established religious cults of Ancient Egypt o Adopted a new unpopular religious system that was monotheistic o Worshiped Aten represented as the sun disk and built new Temple for son god o Changed his name to Akhenaten servant of Aten o Moved Thebes to a new city Amarna o He is depicted with a long neck and nose wanted to look otherworldly o Used hierarchy as a scale king big wife small o City moved back to Thebes after his death o All monuments smashed and broken by his son Tutankhamen Also made it a law you couldn t say his father s name Tomb of Tutankhamen New Kingdom o British man Howard Carter searched and found his tomb in desert in 1920s o Only tomb found and discovered that wasn t robbed o Disheveled condition when first opened because robbers looked for perfume o Robbers caught and tomb was closed again EXAM 1 2 o Body was in three gold coffins big to small o Holds two symbols shepherd crux and a whip Egyptians like duality Cobra on headset and a vulture o Low swamp south and high ground north o He was 18 or 19 when he died artificial beard for authority o Hawk symbol of god Horus o Died by an infection from chariot accident in knee leg UNIT TWO Bronze Age Greece and Turkey Island of Thera Volcano exploded 1500 BC large dust cloud Kameni is land in the middle of Thera still active o Mud covered houses from volcano only pottery metals and stones leftover o Influence from Crete o Largest palace Knossos o Home of Minoans Aegean History o Early Bronze Age o Middle Bronze Age o Late Bronze Age Old Kingdom Egypt Middle Kingdom Egypt New Kingdom Egypt The Cyclades o Greece o Anatolia o Crete Palace at Knossos o Clay tablets o Foundations are only original architecture o Paintings survived in pieces lost missing Controversial b c people had to put pieces together o Buildings survived up to second story roofs didn t survive o Landscape with only lilies and rocks no people Egyptian paintings have people gods and hieroglyphics Aegeans in Greece have no people just landscape swallows o Triangular Square o Miniature Fresco scenes of everyday life a journey No language Upper levels had to restored Very miniature tiny figures Buildings had flat roofs Beginning of story telling Lower part was a depiction of a ship wreck River w shore then a delta w a town departure town Animal life is now deer Big boats 40 yards on a football field Society of travelers merchants Differences TWO DIFFERENT SOCIETIES o In Egypt glorification of Queen and King very serious unchanged o In Greece no roles ordinary people o Egypt EXAM 1 3 Hierarchy of scale important in rank meant depicted bigger Tomb of Nefertari o Function burial chamber in pyramids completely dark in crisps where artists Glorifies rulers Much richness Stiff and formal River valley so had to work same time each year o Thera Rulers not shown Ordinary people work Not so still No rivers just small streams Can crop a week earlier or later and it won t matter Travel appreciated DISCUSSION Egyptian geography o Lower Egypt lower elevation Nile River Delta o Upper Egypt higher elevation origin of Nile River o Nile River Annual floods River resources Minoan Period o Acrotire Thera Greece frescos o Crete Knossos Greece Palace at Minos o Sea resources o Traveled long distances were o Polytheistic o Tombs show afterlife o Nefertari has symbols in clothing Study of symbols called arachniography She dies and is being led to god of rebirth Kehpri Yellow ovals were names Typical Egyptian pose represented whole body Limited access Miniature Fresco o No dominant figure o Acrotire o Found in a house o Everyone had access o Fresco limestone powder and water with pigments UNIT THREE THE PARTHENON ATHENS GREECE 447 432 BC Architects Iktinos and Kallikrates created the Parthenon o This hill was chosen b c it could be defended easily o Large rocky hill is only original left from later Bronze Age Parthenon 5th century democracy Greece in Late Bronze Age called Mycenaean Period City Mycenae still stands Chronology o Late Bronze Age o Early Iron Age 1600 1200 BC pharaoh King Tut Begins 1200 BC EXAM 1 4 o Geometric Period o Archaic Period o Classical Period 900 700 BC 700 500 BC 500 323 BC Death of Alex the Great Greece was divided into Kingdoms o Kingdoms fought each other Economic collapse at the end of the Bronze Age o Theories of invasions from north widespread climate change warfar o Nothing definite though o Greece decline cities abandoned lived in little towns Geometric Period 900 700 BC geometric designs o Economy improved o Designs made more complex not naturalistic symbolically o Krater is closed Archaic Period 700 500 BC more naturalistic o Greece divided into city states o Sparta had kings o Achilles and Ajax Playing a Game by Exekias Achilles and Ajax were great warriors Exekias made me and painted me Coins invented something on coin represented city Lydia now Turkey electrum stator 7th century BC Athens silver tetradrachm 5th century BC Classical

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