9 19 13 I Peloppenesian War Humanities Professor Ahr Thucydides A Between Athens and Sparta 1 Sparta ethnically Dorian dominated 2 Total destruction of Athenian Fleet a Product of enmity that divided Athens and slaveholding Sparta B 460 BC Thucydides was Athenian wealthy owned gold mines 1 Accomplished Athenian general a Historian and philosopher 1 As a historian gathered facts thoroughly and attempted objectivity and effect a Collect as much info as possible especially cause b Fought in the war and suffered plague himself 1 Privileged observed phenomena rather than mystical explanation gods a Pragmatic and earthly i Positive rather than mysterious and distant in writing b No divine entities interacted in Thucydides warfare only humans to reveal human nature at play in war Thucydides suggest gods terror and obscure our minds i C Thucydides thought narration of even without recourse social observation military pragmatist 1 Ends with conclusion in 410 BC before the end of the war a Appears to have been edited posthumously by scholars and historians D Believed that might was right economic and military powers coexist 1 Product of world he inhabited Athenian democracy a Relatively free society open to talent and nature of birth 1 Cynical view was free 2 Thucydides believed his world anarchic hubris powerlust a War of Attrition lasted 28 years half his life 1 Solution to errant democracy wasn t totacracy E Account told in dialogue form to create sense of immediacy 1 Athens demand Meleans relinquish power a Eventually supposed to kill all military aged men and enslaved women 1 Meleans financed war in Athens F War promotes unbridled ambition 1 Domination strength becomes virtue of its own a Move to Athens than aggression expansion in claims of defense protection of existence G Pericles Sought to Glorify 1 Funeral Oration mirrored by Gettysburg Address a State founded on equality and merit that all must contribute to 1 Military service sacrifice H Defeat of Athens PLAGUE 1 Pericles and half of Athens died a 429 and 427BC disease returned b wqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqs 1 After Athenians arrived in Attica a Physicians died most because they couldn t treat it and were too exposed b Began in Ethiopia i ii Came to Piracus Thucydides developed it I Long list of symptoms 1 No universal cure a Dejection one felt upon sickness expedited illness b c If afriad to visit each other died of neglect If visited each other infected others 1 Those who recovered helped the most J Sick travelled from country to city and housed toghether mass death 1 death rites rossed dead bodies heaped tother in multiple funerals a Debauchery propitiated no one would be brought to trial for offenses K Prophecy Dorian war shall come and death with it L Fundamentally uprooted basis of Athenian society 1 Equality law order democracy Isolated polis a M Thucydides did not attribute war illness to Gods yet refers to oracles prophecy 1 Chronicles peoples reaction to prophecy death dearth conflict delegitimizes its meaningfulness a The religious and irreligious were all dying likewise animals 1 Temples provided no refuge no evidence of the Gods a Spread by rats infected regurgitated blood b Now plague has been weaponized
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