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What is Psychology behavior The scientific study of observable behavior overt behavior and mental processes covert Overt behavior Walking Looking Sitting Painting Shaking hands etc Covert behavior Thinking Imagining Dreaming Wishing etc Evolution of Psychology Psychology comes from two Greek words psyche soul and logos the study of a subject Psychology symbol psi 23rd letter in the greek alphabet Psychology came out of the fields of Philosophy and Physiology Became a formal field of study in the 1870s Wilhelm Wundt the founder of psychology established the 1st psychology laboratory in 1879 in Liepzig Germany 6th and 5th centuries BC Greek philosophers began study of human behavior Mid 1500s Copernicus Observation became a key element of scientific procedures Later Galileo based on Copernicus work furthers experimentation through observation 17th century philosophers popularized dualism the concept that mind and body are separate and distinct Rene Descartes disagreed with dualism and claimed a link exists between mind and body Earliy Approcahes and Pioneers of Psychology Structuralism Wundt Titchner Focused on structure and basic elements of the mind subjective feelings objective sensations and mental images Used a method called introspection to collect information careful systematic self observation of one s own conscious experience Investigated functions of mental processes in adapting to the environment function Functionalism James purpose of consciousness Behaviorism Watson Skinner Focused on observable stimuli and responses Examples of Sub theory Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Social Learning Theory Psychoanalysis Freud Emphasizes the unconscious mind which influence behavior Humanistic psychology Rogers Maslow Emphasizes the inner self and the importance of subjective feelings unique qualities of humans especially freedom potential for personal growth Cognitive psychology Piaget Ellis Focuses on mental functions and reasoning Gestalt emphasized perceptions the whole is more than the sum of its parts and studied how sensations are assembled into meaningful perceptual experiences Women Pioneers in Psychology Mary Calkins 1863 1930 focused on the function of memory and self psychology first female president of the American Psychological Association in 1905 never received her Ph D from Harvard University because she was a woman Christine Ladd Franklin 1847 1930 first female to enter Johns Hopkins University scientist and logician color vision theory Margaret Washburn first woman to receive Ph D in 1894 at Cornell University experimental work in animal behavior 2nd female to serve as ACA President 1921 Karen Horney 1885 1952 focused on personality psychoanalysis and feminine psychology Anna Freud 1895 1982 child psychoanalysis focused on ego psychology and adolescent psychology Leta Hollingworth 1886 1939 focused on adolescent development gender differences and the mentally challenged 1st to use term giftedness for exceptionally bright students Ethnic Minority Pioneers in Psychology Gilbert Jones 1901 first black male to receive Ph D Inez Possner Prosser 1933 first black female to receive Ph D Kenneth Clark 1971 first black president of APA Norman Anderson 2002 first black ceo of APA Pseudo Psychologies Are unreliable approaches that do not use the scientific method Examples Astrology relates personality to the movement of the stars Palmistry reading a person s character from the lines on their palms Psycho Kinesis belief that humans can move objects through mental concentration Follicology personality characteristics are related to hair color Themes Related to Psychology as a Field of Study Psychology Is empirical Is theoretically diverse Evolves in a socio historical context Involves critical thinking Themes Related to Psychology s Subject Matter Behavior is Determined by multiple causes Shaped by cultural heritage Influenced by heredity and environment Experience of the world is highly subjective the different ways that organisms behave the cause of behavior how organisms will behave in certain situations an organism s behavior Goals of Psychology Describe Explain Predict Control Careers in Psychology Psychologists Clinical Psychologists Counseling Psychologists Psychiatrists Psychiatric Social Workers Areas of Specialization Social psychology behaviors and aggression Personality psychology behaviors Developmental psychology entire life Experimental psychology emotion Biological psychology The study of social interactions stereotypes prejudices attitudes conformity group The study of personality development personality change assessment and abnormal Examines moral social emotional and cognitive development throughout a person s Includes areas of sensation perception learning human performance motivation and Physical and chemical changes that occur in the body How our genetic makeup brain and nervous system interact with our environments Focuses on how we process store and retrieve information and how cognitive Focuses on the measurement of people s abilities skills intelligence personality and and influence our behaviors Cognitive psychology processes influence our behaviors Psychometrics abnormal behaviors Counseling psychology Adjustment disorders and milder psychological disorders School psychology Work with children in the schools Comparative psychology Comparison of human and animal behavior Psychobiology Views behavior as reflecting brain processes Evolutionary psychology Asserts that certain behavioral characteristics are subject to natural selection evolution Examines the influence of culture and ethnic practice on people s behavior of behavior patterns Cultural psychology The Science of Psychology Scientific Method Separates fact from fiction Follows a systematic process Requires one to Rely on scientific evidence rather than personal experience or hearsay Not oversimplify or over generalize Use critical thinking Critical Thinking Thinking that does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions It Examines assumptions Discerns hidden values Evaluates evidence Assesses conclusions Psychology Research Subfields Basic Research Pure science that aims to increase knowledge Applied Research Scientific study that aims to solve practical problems Is used to find solutions to everyday problems cure illness develop innovative Scientific Method Steps technologies etc Perceive formulate a question Generate a specific hypothesis Make observations Collect data to

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