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Scientific Methods in Psychology PSY101 Introduction to Psychology Spring 2014 SUNY at Buffalo The Process of Research Step 1 Initial observation or question 1 The Process of Research Step 1 Initial observation or question cont d A theory is The Process of Research Step 1 Initial observation or question cont d 2 The Process of Research Step 2 Form a hypothesis A hypothesis is The Process of Research Step 3 Design the study 3 The Process of Research Step 4 Analyze the data and draw conclusions The Process of Research Step 5 Report the findings 4 The Process of Research Step 6 Consider open questions What are the implications of this research What are the limitations of this research What future research is necessary to answer remaining questions If the data does not support the hypothesis then how must we rethink our theory The Process of Research Step 7 Act on open questions 5 The Process of Research Goal Consider Observe Report Hypothesize Analyze Design Observer Biases 6 Observer Biases Observer bias is Observer Biases Minimizing bias 7 Operational Definitions Standardization is Operational Definitions Theories must be composed of concepts that 8 Operational Definitions In an experimental setting a variable is Operational Definitions Two types of variables that Independent Variable IV Dependent Variable DV 9 Operational Definitions Independent Variable IV Operational Definitions Dependent Variable DV 10 Operational Definitions If researcher s claim about cause and effect are correct then Experimental Methods Alternative Explanations Researchers employ experimental methods in order to 11 Experimental Methods Alternative Explanations A confounding variable is Experimental Methods Alternative Explanations Consider a smoking cessation study Would it generate an alternative explanation for our DV Posttest observations if one of our subjects decided to begin using a nicotine patch after the DV Pretest 12 Experimental Methods Alternative Explanations Non intentional results may occur when Experimental Methods Alternative Explanations A placebo effect is 13 Experimental Methods Alternative Explanations The Hawthorne Effect Harvard Bus School 1924 1961 Experimental Methods Alternative Explanations The Hawthorne Effect continued 14 Experimental Methods Control Procedures Researchers use methods called control procedures in their attempt to Experimental Methods Control Procedures Double blind control is 15 Experimental Methods Control Procedures Placebo control is Experimental Methods Research Designs In a controlled experiment An experimental group is A control group is 16 Experimental Methods Research Designs Random assignment is Experimental Methods Research Designs 17 Experimental Methods Research Designs Two major types of experimental designs Between subjects design Within subjects design Experimental Methods Research Designs Between subjects designs 18 Experimental Methods Research Designs Within subjects designs Experimental Methods Advantages 19 Experimental Methods Disadvantages Correlational Methods 20 Correlational Methods Correlations are Correlational Methods Correlations are d e r u s a e M e u l a V 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 No Correlation Perfect Negative Correlation Strong Negative Correlation Weak Negative Correlation d e r u s a e M e u l a V 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 No Correlation Perfect Positive Correlation Strong Positive Correlation Weak Positive Correlation 21 Correlational Methods Correlational Methods Advantages 22 Correlational Methods Disadvantages Achieving Reliability and Validity Researchers aim to generate findings that are 23 Achieving Reliability and Validity Achieving Reliability and Validity 24 Self Report Measures Self Report Measures Advantages 25 Self Report Measures Disadvantages Behavioral Measures and Observations Researchers use behavioral measures to 26 Behavioral Measures and Observations Direct observations Behavioral Measures and Observations 27 Behavioral Measures and Observations Case study Ethical Issues in Human and Animal Research 28 Ethical Issues in Human and Animal Research Ethical Issues in Human and Animal Research Stanford prison scenario See http goo gl d606y for full documentary 29 Ethical Issues in Human and Animal Research Replication of Milgram s Obedience to Authority Would a review board that adheres to APA guidelines approve a study like this What ethical issues might be raised about this investigation Issues in Animal Research Should investigators be able to conduct research on animals With regard to compromised animal welfare what if any are the limits to what should be approved 30 Issues in Animal Research Should it matter whether the research is conducted in the field or in the laboratory Is it sufficient that an animal study benefits humans or should justification for research include benefit to non human animals Becoming a Critical Consumer of Research 31

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