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Chapters 6 7 Researching and Supporting Your Message Research is formalized curiosity its poking and prying with a purpose Personal effect increase knowledge Audience effects increase competence increase trustworthiness Why Research increase credibility Before You Research Goals Constraints Audience o Culture o Demographics o Individual Differences o Knowledge about topic o Interest in topic The Library Selecting key words Library catalog Indexes abstracts databases Reference sources Good Research Sources vlib org infomine ucr edu iii org search edu com Sources For Research Internet Personal experience and knowledge Non print media radio television documentaries etc Library resources Interviews googlescholar com Weak Research Sources Wikipedia Encyclopedia about com howstuffworks com dictionary com trite quotations OH CRAAP C currency R relevance A authority A accuracy P purpose If You Don t Cite Plagiarism o Written o Spoken o Visual Classroom UCF Golden Rule Community Lose Credibility Workplace Lose Job How to C I T E I Integrate the source citation C Credit your source T Take your time E Establish credentials

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UCF SPC 1608 - Researching and Supporting Your Message

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