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Study guide 1 3 8 9 Effects of CA organizational pattern types Mrs Workman introduced Wilson the volleyball character from the movie castaway to attribute what One cannot not communicate Thoughts about ourselves out loud generate neuron firings 1000 Ethos pathos and logos Parts of the communication transaction ELM elaboration likelihood model central peripheral route motivation CA and genetics know percentage How to establish emediecy Diaphragmatic breathing Don t copy outline and paste to outline Signposts transitions Does communication advance life agenda Yes Perform persuade entertain Parallel structure Good vs bad speech topic Guidelines to develop main points Biofeedback center One main idea one main pt High CA tendencies in classroom Types of noise NASE 2013 job outlook email know top 5 Effective thesis statement General vs specific purpose would or wouldn t interfere with topic choice Would If an audience is informed on a topic and you know something about it does that mean you should or should not speak about it Should don t give up because of Positive visualization Facial expression change can alter state of mind Sub points are to main points as main points are to thesis Types of delivery reading off a document manuscript winging it impromptu notecards but practiced prepared extemporaneous what we generally use today memorized Ways to close with impact SMCRE ch 1 3 notes does it explain how the communication process works Communication itself is amoral the speaker establishes the ethics credibility of the message

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UCF SPC 1608 - Study guide

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