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Chapter 2 Communication Apprehension CA a type of anxiety that involves fear or avoidance of communication public speaking genetics could account for as much as 80 of CA CA Causes generic contributors parents environmental reinforcers personality traits cultural factors even within the country CA effects self perception relationships work satisfaction occupational choices academic success the higher CA the tendency to have lower standardized test scores the higher CA the tendency to have lower grades the higher CA the more likely to favor larger classes involving little participation the higher CA the more likely to sit in back and on sides the higher CA the more likely to avoid group projects and discussion the higher CA the less likely to graduate Tips and Tactics on campus resources writing center diaphragmatic breathing positive self talk thoughts about ourselves spoken out loud generate up to 1 000 times more neuronal firings than random thoughts positive visualization facial expression change your perspective be prepared

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UCF SPC 1608 - Chapter 2

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