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approximately 18 00 law enforcement agencies provide crime info to the program cid 127 Original UCR program included a Crime Index which permitted comparisons over time cid 127 Murder forcible rape robbery aggravated assault burglary larceny theft motor vehicle theft arson Crime Index was discontinued in 2004 attempting to enhance the quantity quality and timeliness of crime data collection by law enforcement agencies cid 127 Major Crime Shifts Early 60s 90s Early 1940s Decrease in crime Large number of men in the military service Increase in crime Baby boomers becoming crime prone age police departments collecting data better increase in drug related crime victims able to file reports better crime rates peaked in early 90s 1991 2009 Decrease in crime National effort to decrease crime national effort to have stronger CJ agencies strong victims movement sentencing reform growth in use of incarceration war of drugs advances in forensic science August 27th Week 2 Crime Statistics UCR Uniform Crime Report 1930 a statistical reporting run by the FBI and reported annually NCVS National Crime Victimization Survey Annual survey of American households Development of UCR program NIBRS Development initiated in 1988 A signifiant redesign of the original UCR program Incident driven not summary based cid 127 Gathers many details about crime place weapon offender age sex race type of value and property stolen Includes 22 general offenses FBI began accepting data from NIBRS in 1989 still not fully adopted Currently seeing a large violent crime increase PERF reports Third Way report titled The Impending Crime Wave The reentry explosion The lengthening shadow of illegal immigration The sprawling parentless neighborhood of the Internet The surging youth population Part 1 Offenses cid 127 Murder only 1st and 2nd degree decrease Forcible Rape does not include male victims same sex rape decrease Larceny theft most common of the 8 offenses Date Rape decrease Sexual battery Robbery Burglary Assault spacecrafts Arson Aggravated assault increase September 3rd Chpt 2 Part II offenses less serious crimes Information from the FBI cid 127 Motor vehicle theft increase auto motorcycles scooters trucks buses snowmobiles not included trains planes bulldozers farm equipment boats NCVS first conducted in 1972 designed to estimate occurrence of all crimes whether reported or not does not collect murder crimes Include a number of social order aka victimless crimes Dark figure of crime Crimes that are not reported to the police 1 out of 5 households touched by crime in some way cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 UCR vs NCRS problems with both not all people report when they are victimized Certain kinds of crimes are rarely reported if they are even reported Victims reports may not always be 100 accurate Inaccuracies may enter the data as it is filtered through a number of levels poor people less likely to report crimes NCRS Issues Respondents relate events which may or may not have been crimes Some victims are afraid to report crimes even to non police interviewers Special Categories of Crime Crime typology a classification of crimes along a particular dimension Details about the crimes come directly from the victim with no attempt to validate the info against police records or any other sources Crimes against women men are more often the victims of violent crime However women are more likely to be injured than men Stalking repeated harassing and threatening behavior which may be planned or carried out in secret Cyberstalking harassing through the internet technology breaking into accounts Educate police prosecutors and judges about the special needs of female victims cid 127 Women are more likely to be stalked than men Violence against women is primarily partner violence Physical assault is widespread among American women Violence against Women Act VAWA 1994 Encourage pro arrest policies in cases of domestic abuse Provide specialized services for female victims Fund battered women s shelters Support rape education Crimes Against Women Findings from National Violence against Women Survey NVAWS Physical assault is widespread among American women Violence against women is primarily partner violence cid 127 Other than rape women are victimized less across the board Crime against the Elderly criminal victimization seems to decline with age In general elderly crime victims are more likely than younger victims to Victims in property crime Face offenders who are armed with guns Be victimized by strangers Be victimized in or near their homes during daylight hours Report the victimization to the police Be physically injured Hate Crime ethnicity national origin cid 127 Most hate crimes consist of intimidation Corporate and White Collar Crime Identification doctrine Corporations treated as separate legal entities Can be convicted of violations of criminal law Corporate Crime cid 127 White Collar Crime cid 127 Organized Crime cid 127 Organized Crime A criminal offense committed against a person that is motivated by the offender s bias against a race religion disability sexual orientation or Hate crimes may also involve vandalism simple assault and or aggravated assault A violation of criminal statute by a corporate entity or by its executives employees or agents for the benefit of the corporation Violations of criminal law committed by persons of respectability in the course of their occupation The unlawful activities of the members of a highly organized disciplined association engaged in supplying illegal goods or services Has changed over time presently about drugs and drug money and no longer about crime families Unlawful activity undertaken and supported by organized criminal groups operating across national boundaries Transnational Organized Crime CHAPTER 3 Nature and Purpose of Law cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127

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