The Science of Psychology 8 30 12 1 58 PM What is Psychology Is the scientific of behavior and mental processes What does it mean to be scientific means to acquired knowledge through direct contact Empirical approach through the senses Unbiased how you remain objective Means the you are going to be objective Then critical thinking by challenging what we see taste touch smell looking for the evidence What are behaviors Things that we can readily observe obvious They are overt What are Mental Processes They are covert define they are hidden By the behavior in your emotions Boy looking at behavior psychologists can identify what you are feeling on the inside Goals of Psychology Describe Behavior by what the person is doing Psychologist want to know this so they know what will happen in the future Explain behavior why does the person do what they do Test to see if theories are correct Predict Behavior under what circumstance do these things happen Tested by present things to the person try to predict the behavior Control Change Behavior help change behavior that is are not good for you How can I change They would try to figure out the change that will help History of Psychology What is the difference between Philosophy and Psychology Psychology grew out of Philosophy Both want to know what came to be Philosophers will use reason and logic Psychologist use science created experiment Who was Wilhelm Wundt 1832 1920 First person to start testing in a laboratory He called his lab the Psychology Lab He was interested was what is the mind He took the approach like a chemist and try to figure out what it was He looked all the components of the mind What is the basic of thought His method began to be called structuralism breaking thoughts down into their most basic units of thought One of Wundt s Psychological Method Reaction Time Event Response His assumption was long time reaction was a complex thought and short reaction was a simple thought Another method the Wundt used was that he asked what people were thinking He would show someone something and would ask what are the basic components you think of what looking at the object This method was called Introspection This method was more of an opinion pole The problem was that it was not very scientific This method was subjective not scientific Who were the Gastalt Whole Picture Psychology They felt that structuralism was not right When looking at things in a whole it becomes a new thing Who is William James He was interested in what is the mind for Why He was known as a functionalist Functionalism that you want to know what the mind is for Who is John B Watson 1878 1958 Used scientific method What is directly observable So he was a Behaviorist and he adopted behaviorism which emphasizes the scientific method concentrate on what you can see Learning a behavior with many observation and how it would change He believed that all people are made equal Need to understand the environment that there in He had The Little Albert Experiment He would show albert a mice and then blasted a noise in his ear After 4 days has was crying when he sees the mouse Psychology Today 7 Contemporary Approaches in Psychology Biological study the brain and other things and how that influences your behavior Study the memory Can do a sleep study Behavioral it is focused on what you can see Continued be B F Skinner who asked how is that we learned things Psychodynamic mental and behavioral problems are caused by conflicts between acceptance behavior and unacceptable unconscious desires Humanistic Focuses on the individual Emphasizes free will self actualization and human nature as growth seeking experiences and motivations for behavior from the environment Cognitive study how people think remember store and use information Evolutionary focus on natural selection What is the mind for Sociocultural how does your culture effect you behavior Who was Sigmund Freud Was a doctor who dealt with psychological situations What is the Scientific Method Step 1 Make an observation and or perceive a question Step 2 Form a hypothesis Step 3 Test hypothesis and gather information Step 4 Draw conclusions Step 5 Report your results What are the three different methods of research Descriptive Research Observe collect and record data Naturalistic Observation observing in natural environment 1 30 funny Case Studies in depth descriptive study that the individual has a rare condition Survey Research interviews a form of poling Poling can consist of psychological behaviors or attitudes Advantage collect a lot of data in a quick period of time Disadvantages the answer can change Correlation Correlational Research Good for when you are trying to predict behavior You cannot determine that one thing is causing another Characteristics of a Strength the degree to which two variables are related Direction positive and negative correlation Correlation coefficient statistical calculation that indicates the strength and the direction of the correlation Experimental Research manipulates the variable of interest while holding all other factors constant Can determine cause and effect Operational Definitions specific definition used for the purpose of the present experiment Every experiment you have to define what you are using Independent variable the thing you can manipulate Dependent the thing you measure Every experiment has at least one variable Experimental Group does get the treatment Control Group does not get the treatment Experimental Hazards problems that arise in a poorly designed experiments Bias their could be sample bias which means that groups are uneven in the experiment influence that results Experimenter bias researchers expectations about the outcome of a study Participant bias expectancies of the participant influence the results of the Placebo effect when you think something is what it is not study
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