Pocketbook Politics The History of Buying and Selling Introduction to the Course and to Consumerism in American History 13 03 2014 08 32 00 Why is Consumerism Important What does what we buy say about us Using consumer power to influence politics Chick file boycott Where we buy and what that means Consequences of consumerism for American citizens Identities economy trash society people who work in production Consumer Culture Introduction Discussion 13 03 2014 08 32 00 Read for big ideas Argument vs analysis In secondary sources read for argument Make a point Homework Read for 5th 10th and 12th by Tuesday see syllabus Rethinking our Nations Origins 13 03 2014 08 32 00 Mostly made their own stuff but bought goods if they could Key Terms Sumptuary Laws prevent materialism can t buy fancy things this will get you thrown in jail People of normal means can t look like gentlemen Townshend Acts taxes on what Americans import can t produce on their own everything they want tea fine goods lead Homespun cloth made by colonial women rather than imported seen as a political statement and badge of patriotism Edenton Tea Party boycott of tea by women Major Themes The use of consumer goods to create identities The debate over morality of consumerism political uses of consumer choices economic impact of consumerism Why we settle Puritans vs Jamestown settlers North vs South religion vs acquisitiveness escape intolerance vs get rich quick Look a lot alike as they get richer want nice things as they get richer People have different roles in a consumer society Puritans Massachusetts Bay escaped materialism overtaking Europe gold candles gold buttons consumption is godless but the rich get away with it with loopholes the poor get punished for trying to look like rich folk and can t pay fines class tensions settlements were meant to be built on equality and democracy children of Puritans don t want to live simply and abandon overturn beliefs and laws Quakers Pennsylvania simple living promoted buying is criminalized they want to keep the focus on God and doing good and not on how good your possessions look Others based on acquisition of gold precious stones and produce wealth to buy things later produce raw materials to be turned into goods Native Americans emphasis connection to people and nature and eco awareness purely producers at first but are then tied into commercial exchange by European dramatically changed by consumer revolution gained weapons jewelry cooking pots knives hooks utensils which changed how natives lived allows them to triumph over rivals start to want what Europeans want fancy things Colonial Exchanges buying fine fabrics to make fancy clothes porcelain imported clocks silver candlestick show refinement musical instruments things they can t make on their own furniture if they have money they spend it they want to change the way they appear and behave almost all posted in colonial newspapers goods imported from Britain 50 items to 400 in 40 years increase in shoplifting and easy credit ending in huge interest rates lots of debt by revolution 90 bought on credit angry at Britain for convincing them they needed things and putting them into debt most produce what need but by the end of 18th century loved goods and some argue this lead to the American Revolution not necessarily democracy and liberty more about wanting things and not being able to get w o taxes CONSUMER REVOLUTION taxes after consumers wanted goods so they couldn t get them and wanted to revolt John Adams worried that this made American society dependent on Britain wanted to spend less and for everyone to do the same T H Breen first large scale movement organized around ordinary people and their relation to consumer goods show off nice things when guests are over to show refinement and appear as civilized as those an Britain they wanted to be just like them mirroring same as English society offended when they are treated differently dependence on Britain undermining autonomy cannot produce the stuff there empowerment of refinement vs worry after French and Indian war needed to raise revenue and Americans are upset that they are treated differently all British right British don t understand why Americans are upset taxation and consumer goods lead to feelings of inequality economic slavery dependent men Americans want a free and open market place shouldn t pay more from buying from non British sellers want a say in taxes considered Stamp Act taxes on all imported goods the things colonists most desired a violation of rights led to resistance universally brought together by hate of British everyone of all areas and classes pay taxes and come together Stamp Act repealed didn t do much anyway British thought it was because it was a tax on internal goods Townshend Acts REALLY upset colonists making them feel insulted taking away what makes them feel British and the taxes protect British industry and don t help colonists merchants begin non importation o George Washington o won t import stock shelves or let consumers buy British goods o merchants may lose profits but British will lose more o semi boycott because consumers aren t leading it o some merchants went against and became the main sellers of British goods others went out of business o for it to work everyone has to comply o works well at first but then they realize the consumers still want the goods and will even pay the taxes o agreements fall apart and are gone by 1771 British get rid of all taxes except tea Tea Act o Boston Tea Party o everyone wants tea and will buy it and the merchants try and fail with non importation again o merchants decide to buy in Caribbean and smuggle it in o British are unhappy with smugglers and start prosecuting smugglers and putting more troops in America o after other means fail they decide to boycott and instead support DOMESTIC PRODUCTION boycott will really hurt British if they re organized need to get women involved to make new American tea to make cloth etc to make decisions as consumers in household to reject British even if buying is easier consumerism o wearing homemade things was a badge of patriotism political o women did their spinning publically so people would know what they were doing daughters of liberty a political act by women when women had no political power o boycott unites everyone and lays groundwork for a new Some think consumerism is bad in American society o people forget what is really important ethical
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