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Developmental Psych Exam 1 Study Guide 1 Original Sin St Augustine o Humans are born innately bad selfish o Children need to be changed steered away from bad behavior 2 John Locke 3 Rousseau 4 G Stanley Hall o Children are born with a blank slate o Children are born innately good o They are a blueprint for positive development o Provide them with basic needs and they will prosper o Father of the Study of Adolescence Developmental Psych o Surveyed interviewed a broad range of kids traced developmental norms what is normal at what age o Adolescence special period as many changes as infancy 5 Gesell o maturation controlled by genetic processes o aspects of human behavior or heritable 6 Domains of Development o Physical nutrition o Cognitive how thinking evolves mental processes controlling emotion o Social importance of building relationships 7 Goals of Developmental Science o Describe Explain Predict Influence 8 Theory o Logically related concepts used to describe and explain phenomena o Heuristic educated guess quick thinking solution not guaranteed to be optimal o Falsifiable 9 Nature vs Nurture o Both influence behavior but how much o Genes quickly respond to the environment o Continuity quantitative additive characteristics are continuous and 10 Continuity vs Discontinuity shaped by time person is the same just more is added to who they are abilities are built on past stages ex skills so different at age 3 compared to age 2 you would not know it is the same child each stage is qualitatively different like cliffs stairs o Discontinuity 11 Activity vs Passivity 12 Research Method Survey o Focuses on whether people active in their own development or passively shaped by outside forces not themselves o Questionnaires interviews o Advantages inexpensive easy o Disadvantages participants may be too young all participants may not provide all accurate information socially desirable responding participant says what they think you want them to say 13 Research Method Naturalistic Study o Going out into a natural setting ex a playground and recording a child s behavior in real time ex observe aggression sex vs sex 14 Research Method Longitudinal Study o Long term studies measuring kids from a young age to when they are grown up ex 3 21 o Evaluate kids every few years example see if the aggressive kids at 3 are still aggressive at 13 physical aggression vs relational aggression o Disadvantages drop outs cross generation problems kids begin in one age cohort but circumstances may change long term studies may not be beneficial because they are hard to generalize 15 Research Method Cross Sectional Studies o Several groups and several ages studied o Takes different groups of kids at different ages and compares their behavior o Ex kids moving from solitary play to playing near others to playing with others 16 Research Method Sequential Design o Combines cross sectional and longitudinal studies o Follows 2 age cohorts 10 years apart and looked at every 5 years o Studies how the groups are similar different at the same age studies the impact of cohort effects 17 Ethnography o Incorporates sociologists and anthropologists o Participant observation where the person embeds themselves in another culture intending to understand the social cultural contexts o Extensive field notes taken o Prose predictions on observations drawn test these predictions may take o Collect info on historical political and economic forces rich descriptions of years social forces o Focuses on a fairly narrow subject matter 18 Freudian Study o Not Credible theories are not testable falsifiable o Psychoanalytic theory stresses unconscious sexual urges development is based on how we deal with these urges repression rejection defensive urges human nature urges for power result in conflicts internal struggles how we handle these influence the course nature of our development personality o Hypnosis dream analysis free association 19 Id 20 Ego o Governed by pleasure principle immediate gratification o Instinctive and primitive behavior since birth original selves o Executive personality responsible for dealing with reality o Ability to be control o Develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world o Makes decisions not always moral 21 Super Ego 22 Erikson o Develops between the ages of 3 6 o Serves as a moral check conscience o Agrees with Freud s Id Ego Superego stresses superego o Humans develop in stages certain satisfactions at young middle and old age 23 Erikson Trust vs Mistrust o Explains challenges we face overtime but lacks the explanation why o Depends on the overall responsiveness of the adult in a child s life o Infant wants to be fed in need of comfort expects the environment to help o If a child can depend on his environment to meet his needs he will trust the o If a child is not comforted by environment they will grow up mistrusting the him her environment environment o Mistrust will show up in future relationships effect future stages 24 Erikson Identity vs Role Confusion o Growing up a child develops clear distinct skills attributes beliefs values that define his IDENTITY o These skills in preparation to leave home and make a life for himself in the world based on his talents and acquired skills o Western society children move away from home at 18 with a full understanding of who they are where they see themselves what they want in life o ROLE CONFUSION results when a child is unable to discouraged to find identify values skills potential or to conceive a place for oneself o Leads to depression child is at risk may act out high likelihood for schizophrenia split with who they are 25 Watson reinforcement punishment o Behaviorism o Behavior is observable and can be correlated with other observable events o NURTURE rejected individual differences people are different because they grow up learning different things behaviors o Concerned with effects of stimuli o Practice strengthens learning 26 Piaget o Constructivist in their own development kids are not controlled by impulses are actively involved o Kids are curious from the beginning exploring their environment o Kids have basic reflexes sucking grabbing learn basic concepts about their environment classifying objects o Kids can only engage the world to the level that they understand it work hard to understand it more over time o Parents should allow child to explore set up development activities

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TEMPLE PSY 2301 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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