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International and Intercultural Journalism 2000 Dr Nisbett Edward T Hall Time orientation o Monochronic doing one thing at a time o Polychronic doing lots of things at one time Proxemics Personal space o Americans need a lot of personal space and other cultures have NO personal space Low and High Context People o Air Conditioner example If two people are in a car and the passenger gets hot in a low context society like the United States the passenger will turn on the A C without considering the fact they are a guest in the drivers car In a high context society the passenger will do things like sighing because they are hot or start taking off layers of clothes but they won t ever tell you they want you to turn on the Air Conditioner Hofstede s Cultural Dimensions Power Distance high low o Interpersonal communication based on rank Low comfortable talking to authority Some college classrooms especially discussion based classroom High uncomfortable talking to authority Military In some cultures it is normal to have several generations of the same family living under one roof There is generally more value in being a CEO than stay Individualism Individualism Collectivism o Individualism all about you o Collectivism all about the group Masculinity about what you value o American Masculin All about getting stuff done o Feminine at home mom Culture that is all about care Uncertainty avoidance high low o How much people like change American is low we are not connected to tradition

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UNT JOUR 2000 - International and Intercultural

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