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Arth335 Exam 1 Study Guide Flemish Painting Overview The Dutch Revolt 1568 1609 o The partially successful revolt of the protestant Seventeen Provinces of the Duchy of Burgundy in the Low Countries against the ardent militant religious policies of Roman Catholicism pressed by Charles I and Phillip II of the Spanish empire o Seven United Provinces declared themselves independent of Phillip II in 1581 o The Southern provinces remained under Spanish Catholic rule o Antwerp fell to Spain in 1585 o This marked a period of religious turmoil and iconoclasm o The Dutch Republic became Protestant Calvinist was independent but threatened by Spain since the Twelve year truce of 1609 Paintings of Religious Controversies Protestant Reform Antwerp Iconoclasm 1566 o River Landscape Jan Brueghel the Elder 1607 o Wedding Banquet Presided Over by the Archduke and Infanta Jan Brueghel the Elder o Allegory of the Senses Smell Jan Brueghel the Elder 1615 o Allegory of the Senses Taste Jan Brueghel the Elder 1615 o Allegory of the Senses Sight Jan Brueghel the Elder 1617 o Allegory of the Senses Taste Hearing and Touch Jan Brueghel the Elder 1620 Still Life Painting Flanders o Flowers in a Basket and Vase Jan Brueghel the Elder 1615 Juxtaposition of disorderly nature in the basket and orderly beauty in the vase Basket could represent the masses while the vase represents royalty Subtle bugs on the flowers show transitory quality of life o Garland with the Virgin and Child Jan Brueghel the Elder 1621 Shows a painting within a painting surrounded by a garland of flowers and fruit symbols of life and prosperity o Dishes with Oysters Fruit and Wine Osias Beert the Elder 1620 Banquet setting of royalty showing expensive foods and dishes sea motifs Expertise of the artist in painting glass and metal o Study of Butterfly and Insects Jan van Kessel 1655 Shows attractive grapes being eaten by insects flying around o The Animals Jan van Kessel 1660 Small boxes with individual scenes of animals inside dinosaurs on landscapes o The Continent of America Jan van Kessel 1666 Same style as the animals but with one larger framed painting inside of the other surrounding ones Shows the history of various American scenes o Concert of the Birds Frans Snyders 1630 Shows many different types of birds all together on a tree moving about gives the quality of singing and motion Owl holds the concert book birds look at and squawk at each other o Fish Market Frans Snyders 1620s Grisly scene of a seller at a market with full carcasses of fish writhing about Some cut open some full live seal snarls at a cat to the side o Fruit and Vegetable Stall Frans Snyders 1620s Same set up as the fish market but with fruits and vegetables Arth335 Exam 1 Study Guide Woman in red hands fruit to man symbol of desire and passion o Still Life with Fowl and Game Frans Snyders 1614 Birds some dead and hanging off of the table others still alive and seated looking at each other Peacock is a symbol swan is dead o Vanitas Still Life Jacques de Gheyn II 1603 Extremely symbolic painting about life skull with bubble hanging over head o Roses and a Tulip in a Glass Vase Jan Philips van Thielen 1650 Vase shows reflection of window and signature of the artist on the wood block Flemish Genre Scenes o Youth Making a Face Adriaen Brouwer 1635 Sketchy portrait of man holding his lips apart making a face very different than the somber and bland faces from earlier painting o The Bitter Draught Adriaen Brouwer 1635 Man making grossed out face after tasting alcohol o The Smokers Adriaen Brouwer 1636 Men in a pub having fun caught by surprise possibly a self portrait o Peasants Celebrating Twelfth Night David Teniers the Younger 1635 Man looking at viewer and then gesturing to the table man has head sticking out of wall window o The Old Man and the Maid David Teniers 1631 o Butcher Shop David Teniers 1642 Huge open carcass hanging as maid starts carving beef o Tavern Scene David Teniers 1658 o Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in his Picture Gallery David Teniers 1647 Shows a portrait of a man with several paintings Rubens Self Portrait 1639 o Black outfit shows his status and air shows that he takes it for granted o One hand gloved other ungloved alludes to being inside and outside not revealing too much true gentleman world at his feet o Shows himself with sword to show knighthood o Shows himself with hat because he was bald Portrait of a Young Scholar 1597 o Not that great could be a self portrait early work o Shows his attention to detail in this early portrait later becomes master of fluidity o Too linear not loose o Boy holds pocket watch representing time on earth and time being precious Artist Painting Surrounded by his Family Otto van Veen teacher of Rubens 1584 o Very controlled contrived and linear like Rubens early Portrait of a Young Scholar Judgment of Paris 1601 o Idea of Italian art being superior to Northern art therefore imitated Italians o Shows Paris choosing Venus as the most beautiful goddess and giving her the golden apple Arth335 Exam 1 Study Guide on bad judgments Judgment of Paris 1638 Athena Adam and Eve 1598 competition Northern Europe o Shows that you should not choose what looks best but what is the most wise allegory o What you see is not what you get important 17th century idea o More details that allude to war than earlier rendition shield owl and red cape by o Venus is naked completely pointing to herself as Paris offers her the apple o Allegorical narrative is similar to the high renaissance o Borrows composition and style from Italy so intelligent viewers see his commentary o Almost identical composition to Marcantonio Raimondi of Italy imitation is a form of o Covers private parts in contrast to Raimondi because nudity was not accepted in o Downplayed role of the snake and did not give it a woman s head too literal Anatomical Studies A Left Forearm in Two Positions 1608 o Drawing of flayed human figures interest in what happens under the skin o Shows muscles and tendons of different bones in detail Portrait of Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria 1606 o Still looks a little contrived but starts to introduce hallmarks o Swag of red drapery puts emphasis on her and softens to make it more fluid Self Portrait in a Circle of Friends from Mantua 1606 o Wants to show a portrait but also show friendship and connections to people o Painting from when he was in Italy The Fall of Phaethon 1605 o Epic mythological scene from Italy son of Apollo wanted to

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