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WWMTS what would mr t study go back and look at those things on Psych Midterm 1 notes Consult classmates Apply the information Come up with examples How are terms different from each other Online chat 7 10 Thursday night BRING ID TO EXAM LAB INTO BAR increasing graded potential vs action porential EXTERNAL VALIDITY Random assignment vs random selection Why do we use random Random eliminates controls biases Assignment vs selection o Assignment is when you already have sample you just need to randomly assign them to two groups o Population randomly select everyone has same chance to participate COULD BE BOTH Graded portential vs action potential Correlation does not equal causation vs zero correlation Correlation does not equal causation o Speaks to whther one variables causes another variable o There is a relation between the variables Either positive or negative Zero o Towo variables are not related o Not positive not negative A flat line Shoe size and exam score Demand characteristics o Demand characteristics ordering of an experiment the participant figures out the demand motion sickness test was easy to figure out because they knew what they were going to be tested on it refer to subtle cues either from the experimenter environment about what is expected to happen in the experiment this can influence the participants behavior or what they think is being demanded of them Ultimately the participants behavior can ruin study Experimenter expectancy effects o When experimenter unintentionally influences the outcome of the experiment because of their anticipation of an outcome Ultimately the experimenter behavior can ruin the study asking revealing questions without thinking things through o SOLUTION DOUBLE BLIND both don t know real experiment Simultaneously processing information from multiple sources Parallel processing senses at the same time o good at multi taksing Bottom up vs top down Bottom up we use parts lines and angles to create the big picture Top Down we have a thought or idea concept and use that to make a figure make sense of lines and angles Our expectations influence our perception influnces on what a picture is Opponent process Theory If a cell ets excited by one colo red it does not get excited it gets inhibited by its opponent color green o The opponent process theory o Falsifiability in order for us to accept a hypothesis or theory we need to be able to prove that it could be false debates on religion cant falsify God vs Buddah theory that all dogs are black prove that there is not a non black dog can search for lack of that theory can prove that it is not false HAVE TO HAVE SOMETHING TO PROVE AGAINST Buckeye necklace see if having necklace is related to exam score Does buckeye necklace RELATE to exam scores Know main things frontal lobe occipital temporal parietal Thalamus Hippocampus Limbic system and its functioning Midbrain is part of hind brain and what they do know what it is made up of HEURISTIC SHORTCUT streamline view of worked Representative heuristic like goes with like This represents this past thing that I experienced trying to decide what it is Availability heuristic rely on first thing that comes to mind when we are Illusory correlations could be a small correlation or relationships but we think that its always there full moon crazy stuff always happens but we really only just pay attention or search only for crazy things to happen REVIEW SESSION Sympathetic division Active during Limbic system Hypothalamus internal theromostat tells body how its doing need drink food cooler air Amygdala fear Hippocampus spatial memory lightswitch in dark Cingulate cortex expressing emotions Not on test usally THALAMUS gateway to sensory information Action potential Principles of it o What to know Neurons hang out at resting potential Chemical neurotransmission neurotransmitters are greaded potential excitiory or inhibitory Have a lot of graded potential but doesn t matter until it reaches threshold which triggers action potential Electric implus that travels down the axon and allows You either have action potential or don t regenerative neurons to communicate once it starts it doesn t stop Graded potentials are not like this they can send some at a time Absolute refractory period resting period Myelin Sheath allele cells support and insulate neuron helps it go faster MS Action potentials travel rowards end of the axon All or nothing neurons either fire have AP or they don t All action potentials are the same strength Speed of action potential depends on the presence of mylin sheath Refractory period resting period Stages of sleep phase 5 stages every 90 minutes as night progresses you spend a different amount of time in each Non REM sleep 1 4 stages Eye movement not occurring can dream but less vivid less frequent o Stage one just starting to sleep brainwaves as if awake o Stage 2 body becoming more relaxed o Stage 3 4 deep sleep or slow wave sleep much different wave frequencies and amplitude Must need to feel rested at all REM SLEEP o Brian is active and mirrors wakedness but body is paralyzed so we cnat act out dreams o REM behavior disorder when you act out your dreams o REM dreams More common Emotional illogical prone to plot shifts o Non rem dreams with daily tasks Shoerted more lthought like repetitive and concerned Internal validity high internal validity controlled for confounds randomly assigned people to groups all things taken care of a lot of science not a lot of real world 1 question on parts of ear know principles of experiments and how we can determine caustation what each method does case studies naturalistic observation correlation experiment experiment youre manipulating something Central tendency if I m filling out self esteem scale you tend to choose middle points not extremes Center of the scale KNOW mean median mode practical and statistical significance Practical significance is that really meaningful Statistical significance what we look for we perform some statistical procedure mathematically people on west coast like broccoli more than east coasters do we care WE HAVE DEPTH CUES AND THEY ARE USEFUL that s all review session manipulation 1 During a normal nights rest peter cant breathe Sleep apnea 2 Dr Jamison tests vitamin C Control group group that does not receive 3 trichromatic 3 primary colors for color reception we combine to make other colors Opponents theory each cone is responsible for 2 colors can only see one at a time 4

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OSU PSYCH 1100 - Midterm 1

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