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SOCIOLOGY 1101 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE ECONOMICS Income Inequality in the U S In the past 45 years the lowers 20 of households in income never received more than 5 3 of overall US income while the highest 20 has always received 40 or more The income gap between high income and low income individuals has increased dramatically over the last 30 years RACE AND ETHNICITY The Myth of Race Race o A socially constructed category of people who share physical characteristics that members of a society consider important Imposed socially constructed hierarchical exclusive and unequal o Cultural practices and attitudes that set people apart Voluntary self defined nonhierarchical cultural and not so closely linked with power differences Ethnicity Racism Racism o A form of prejudice based on the belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another Institutional racism o System in which bias is built into the operation of society s institutions and produces unequal outcomes for different groups even if actual policies are race neutral SOCIOLOGY 1101 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Produces inequality in outcomes even if there is no overt racial equality in opportunity Prejudice Discrimination Prejudice o A rigid generalization about an entire category of people An attitude or opinion Product of culture stereotypes are common Racial Ethnic Discrimination o Unequal treatment of people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial or ethnic category Behavior Action By definition it is enacted against a minority group Minority group Group that because of its distinct physical or cultural characteristics is set apart and subordinated Are we a post racial society Although overtly racist beliefs may no longer be socially acceptable to what extent does race continue to influence out attitudes beliefs and behaviors Race IAT Minority Majority Group Relations Four Broad categories o Integration o Conflict Pluralism Assimilation Segregation Genocide SOCIOLOGY 1101 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Conflict Segregation Segregation o The legal or social practice of separating people on the basis of their race or ethnicity maintains position of dominant group Official U S policy until 1960 s De Facto in practice residential educational segregation still exists Preferences of minority groups vs discrimination How race matters Inequality Educational Attainment Employment Income and Wealth Political Power Family later Health later Race and Education 84 1 of African Americans have high school degrees only 20 in 1960 compared to 87 1 of whites 29 9 of whites graduate from college but only 19 3 of African Americans do Only 13 2 of Hispanics hold a college degree Unemployment and Income Unemployment rate o Twice as high for blacks as for whites 2011 Poverty rate o Nearly 3 time higher for blacks 24 2 and Hispanics 20 3 then whites 9 SOCIOLOGY 1101 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Income gap gradually diminishing but wealth gap remains large o Black men earn 73 5 of earning of white men o Black women earn 86 9 as much as white women Race and Political Power Tremendous gains but huge disparities remain o Number increased from 40 in 1960 to 9 101 in 2000 all elected public offices o But blacks account for 2 of elected offices Understanding racial inequality Colonization rather than willing immigrants o Role of racism discrimination Race vs class Values and the case of model minorities Colonization Discrimination Most disadvantages arrived in U S as colonized people rather than willing immigrants o This brings with it racism and discrimination Race vs Class Williams Julius Wilson Old racial barriers are less important than class in explaining the persistence of race ethnic inequality Economic gap between affluent and poor African Americans has grown over time Critique Wilson s perspective does not give enough attention to ongoing discrimination and racist beliefs Culture and Model Minorities Culture and values explain why some racial ethnic groups Asian Jew Cuban are less disadvantaged than others African Americans Values Thrift family hard work education But Likely that class background upon arrival in the U S is more important than culture and values The Future of Race Ethnicity Resegregation Multiracial Identities White statistical minority population by 2050 SOCIOLOGY 1101 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE GENDER AND SEX Gender and Sex Sex o Biological and anatomical differences that distinguish males and females Gender o Personal traits behavior and social positions that are expected or regarded as appropriate for members of ear sex Socially constructed Hierarchical Gender Stratification Sexism and Patriarchy Gender stratification o Unequal distribution of wealth income and status between men and women Sexism o The belief that one sex is innately superior to the other Justification for gender stratification patriarchy SOCIOLOGY 1101 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Patriarchy Rule of Fathers o A form of social organization in which males dominate females Specific form of gender stratification Gender Roles Differences Gender Roles o Behavioral norms assumed to accompany one s status as male or female All societies cultures differentiate between men s and women s roles Example men are tough women are emotional Nature vs Nurture What causes differences between men and women in behavior attitudes preferences and social structural position o Biology Essentialist explanation o Culture and socialization o Social structure Biology and Psychology Some differences o M Visual spatial ability o M Aggression o M Motor skill performance o M Mathematical reasoning o F Verbal ability o SOCIOLOGY 1101 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Biology Testosterone Gender Roles o Boys More testosterone higher activity levels Select gross motor activities and active toys block vehicles outdoor games that just happen to be those that develop visual spatial skills and are also less structured Less structured activities independence o Girls Less testosterone lower activity levels More structured activities which foster more cooperation and conforming but less independence Biology Brain Lateralization o Lateralization Process through which brain s right left hemisphere becomes specialized in certain areas Earlier in females than males Visual spatial and mathematical reasoning develop later than verbal skills so females don t develop these to the fullest potential but develop stronger verbal skills Summary Biology and Sex Differences o Differences in hormones and brain development lead men and women to develop

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