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Communication Research Exam 1 Review Session A climate scientist at OSU tells you the polar vortex will lead to crop failures this year this everyday way of knowing is Authority Face validity When a careful look at a measure indicates is appears to be measuring what its supposed to measure its said to have Understanding Comm research methods is useful for Critiquing study claims Evaluating ad campaigns Analyzing TV ratings data Random Digit dialing employed by Gallup to collect survey respondents uses this type of sampling Simple random sampling Compared to European and Japanese adults a higher proportion of American qualify as this Scientific literate The process of inductive reasoning starts with Observations A good fit between your conceptual and operational definitions represents Measurement validity As sample sixe increases MOE Decreases The development of banduras social learning theory is an example of Deductive reasoning he said the theory then went on to do actual experiments General specific In a simple line graph of study results the dependent variable is palce on the Y axis This is a specific testable predication about the empirical reality of a relationship between 2 or more variables Hypothesis Systematic error often results from Non probability sampling and non response Sampling error chance systematic error bias Operationalization is moving from a Definition to a definition Conceptual to operational The theory all teens use twitter would be falsified by observing One teen no using twitter Hornik found that as exposure to health information form non medical sources decreases exercise behavior also decreases This is an example of a Positive association Science may be subject to bias form Researcher beliefs and funding sources In an experiment the independent variable is often referred to as the Treatment use predictor as independent variable in surveys It is appropriate to ask a research questions instead of posing a hypothesis when Prior work is conflicting no theory exists and no prior research exists Meg counts the number of times character in the wolf of Wall Street uses the f word this is a Content analysis The scientific method combines logic with Empiricism Nominal measures must be Mutually exclusive exhaustive at least 2 different categories The process of deductive reasoning starts with A theory In an experiment Chris exposes participants to episode 5 of Colbert report and observes how often they laugh at political jokes the dependent variable is Laughing at political jokes Each step of the research process is influence by this Theory This communication research method is commonly used to determine whether on phenomena causes another Experiment Before scientific research is published other experts in the field critique it a process known as Peer review Reverse coding is sued in surveys and questionnaires to prevent Unreliable measurements inter item reliability forces people to read and answer appropriately by reverse coding Suppose OSU decided not to ban smoking outdoors on campus because it has always been considered reasonably safe they would be relying on which everyday way of knowing Tradition Two students watching the walking dead and counting murders don t agree on level of violence they see Inter coder reliability multiple people coding Intra coder is one coder An ordinal measure is precise compared to an interval measure Less Systematic error A poll using a convenience sample of MSNBC viewers will be subject to Joe fielded an online survey to OSU students and received a response rate of 60 according to babbie this is considered Good 50 50 adequate 40 60 good 30 70 very good The Confidence interval is calculated by adding and subtracting the blank form the blank Margin of error from the parameter estimate Which of the following sampling methods produce non generalizable research results Quota sampling non probability sampling Likert type scale and semantic differentials are examples of this level of measurement Interval

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