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Nutrition Review Enrichment replacement of thiamin riboflavin niacin iron and folate lost when grains are refined Had it at one point now has it again Good for you Fortification addition of one or more vitamins and or minerals any food can be fortified Never had it now it does Good for you Food Additives substance added to food that become part of the food or affect the characteristics of the food Applies to substance added intentionally or unintentionally The COOL Rule a country of origin label must appear on some products helps track down foodborne illnesses MyPlate pros cons o PROS its easy encourages us to eat healthier its safe o CONS Wont control our calories Its controversial some people thought companies were using it to push their products Hard to customize for some restricted diets not good w combination foods like spaghetti and meatballs doesn t reduce overall food consumption The Nutrition Facts Panel Nutrition Label will never provide all the information needed to make wise decisions about food o Standards Nutrient claims Health claims Qualified health claims Structure function claims National Health Nutrition Examination Survey NHANES is a program of studies designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States The survey is unique in that it combines interviews and physical examinations Healthy People 2020 Identifies national health priorities and guides polices to increase the quality and years of healthy life and eliminate health disparities o Increase the proportion of adults who are at a healthy weight o Reduce the proportion of adults who are obese o Reduce iron deficiency among young children and females of child bearing age o Reduce iron deficiency among pregnant females o Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese o Increase the contribution of fruits to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older o Increase the variety and contribution of vegetables to the diets of the population aged 2years and older o Increase the contribution of whole grains to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older o Etc Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 o Balancing calories to manage weight o Foods and Food Components to Reduce o Foods and Nutrients to Increase o Building Healthy Eating Patterns Food irradiation Irradiation kills insects bacteria mold and other organisms does not make food radioactive Nutrient dense foods contain relatively high amounts of nutrients compared to their calorie value Ex broccoli collards bread cantaloupe lean meats Empty calorie provide an excess of energy or calories in relation to nutrients Ex soft drinks candy sugar alcohol animal fats Energy dense provide relatively high levels of calories per unit weight of food Ex fried foods cheeseburgers potato chips Unsaturated Fats are found in plant products such as vegetable oils Unsaturated fats tend to lower blood cholesterol levels Diabetes diabetes mellitus disease characterized by abnormal glucose utilization and elevated blood glucose levels Type 1 type 2 and gestational diabetes Hypertension high blood pressure blood pressure inside blood vessel walls greater than 140 90 mmHg Stroke cerebral vascular accident occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures or becomes blocked cutting off blood supply to a portion of the brain Associated with hardening of the arteries Inflammation First response of the body s immune system to infectious agents toxins or irritants Biologically active substances promote oxidation and other reactions to counteract the infection toxin or irritant Free Radicals oxidizing agents chemical substance often oxygen based that are missing electrons which makes them reactive and prone to oxidizing nearby molecules by stealing electrons from them Can damage lipids proteins DNA cells and tissues by altering their chemical structures and functions Oxidative Stress Condition that occurs when cells are exposed to more oxidizing molecules such as free radicals than to antioxidant molecules that neutralize them Over time oxidative stress causes damage to lipids DNA cells and tissues Increases the risk of heart disease type 2 diabetes cancer and other diseases Low Sodium 140 milligrams or less Food Security Access at all times to a sufficient supply of safe nutritious food Food Insecurity Limited or uncertain availability of safe nutritious food or the ability to acquire them in socially acceptable ways Exists in 12 6 of US and 7 of Canadian Households Terrorism Food security includes safety from foods used for bioterrorism o Toxins such as ricin or botulism toxin o Contamination with radioactive particles o Contamination with microorganisms Macronutrients the group name for the energy yielding nutrients of carbohydrate protein and fat Needed in relatively large amount in our daily diet 45 65 Calories per grams of carbohydrate 10 35 Calories per grams of protein 20 35 Calories per grams of fat Weight Conversion 1 pound x 2 2 kg or kg 2 2 lbs Malnutrition poor nutrition Results from poor diets excess or lack of calories or nutrients e g vitamin A toxicity obesity scurvy underweight Results from disease states e g diarrhea alcoholism cancer ulcers HIV AIDS Results from genetic factors e g high cholesterol diabetes heart disease cancer What can WE control regarding health o Adequate fluid consumption is 11 15c per day Trans fats Trans fats are a type of unsaturated fat present in hydrogenated oil margarine shortening pastries and some cooking oils that increase the risk of heart disease 100 Organic Organic etc If organic growers are certified according to USDA rules they can place the USDA Organic seal on their labels o Organically grown and produced foods can be labeled in four ways 100 Organic Organic 95 organic Made with organic ingredients 70 organic Some organic ingredients 70 organic Saturated Fats Saturated fats are found primarily in animal products such as meat butter and cheese and in palm and coconut oils Diets high in saturated fat may elevate blood cholesterol levels and risk for heart attack Solid at room temperature Cholesterol low cholesterol is 20 mg or less GRAS Generally Recognized As Safe Foods on this list can be used in food with out preapproval RDA Recommended Dietary Allowances recommended levels of nutrient intakes needed to prevent deficiency disease Based on age gender and condition Antioxidants Chemical substances that prevent or repair cell damage caused by

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Nutrition Review

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