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Lecture 9 Deviance Part III 02 28 2014 The Sociology of Crime Broken Windows Theory of Deviance asks what are the characteristics of social context that produce crime not the characteristics of individuals There are certain characteristics to certain neighborhoods that are likely to do crime If given cues o Experiment South Bronx and Paolo Alto they left a car in the city The South Bronx the abandoned car was robbed which was expected However smashed car window in Paolo Alto summons the crime give cues to solicit crime Street Crime vs White Collar Crime crimes committed by professionals in their capacity as professionals usually committed against companies and businesses Tends to go under the radar except for the following large cases o En Ron energy commodities lied about their profits concealed their debts Shareholders lost 74 billion accounting fraud Claimed to have 101 revenues which led them to become America s 7th largest company o The Wolf of Wallstreet movie about investment banker committing crime against the rich o Bernie Madeoff took money from investors 50 billion largest fraud in American history Crime occurred through him doing the investment fund professional in a professional capacity Patterns of the criminal justice system larger trends in crime and society not talking about individuals o US has highest incarceration rate Increase in late 80 s and 90 s 1 war on drugs laws on drugs got tougher 2 Incarceration rate for while males 2 6 where was it is 16 6 for Hispanic and African Americans Stop and Frisk Pager s study of criminal offenders on the job market What s happening to all the people that actually come out of the criminal legal system 95 of people that are incarcerated will be released half a million of 2 each year 2 3 will come back again Audit study to find out how hard it is for people with criminal records to get a job o Black and white applicants give in the same resume Criminal record reduces likelihood of callback by 50 whites with criminal records were more likely to get callbacks than blacks without criminal records Stigma negative social labeling Race can be more of a negative stigma than being a ex convict Michel Foucault Discipline and Punish Pre modern punishment and power vs Modern punishment and power o Pre modern punishment Punitive justice spectacle and public meant to show the power of the king Meant to deter future crimes but also a way of showing the power of the king Acts directly upon the body exerting power upon and through the physical body Works upon and targets the body Lecture 9 Deviance Part III 02 28 2014 Uses spectacle and violence E g Game of Thrones punishment you do something to the king and the king punishes you in front of everybody o Modern Punishment not about avenging a king or spectacles it does not mean torture or physical violence The target is not the body but the soul In an effort to rehabilitate criminals we subject them to a different type of power disciplinary power Works upon and pargets the soul Uses disciplinary power E g Stanford prison experiment daily regimes time tables lining up constant surveillance and supervision so they internalize the rehabilitation AND Bentham prison wherein the prison cells are in a circle and the guards are the center Guard tower window is shaded so they can see out but prisoners can t see in so they self monitor each other Modern Society as The Disciplinary Society everyone is subject to disciplinary power all our lives from day one especially to that of being in a school and work You go attend go to lunch you clock out you are assessed and you have to control your movements

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