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Gerontology Notes 2 26 The Biology of Aging 1 Primary Aging unavoidable inevitable internal feelings of age Senescene gradual universal change of aging always taking place 2 Secondary Aging Experienced by most but not all external behaviors Functions of disease disuse abuse Why do we Age Cellular Theories exhausted Cell growth stops Hayflick Limit Cells can only divide so many times before the process is Cross Linking Proteins produce molecules that make the body stiffer heart muscles arteries This is part of the aging process but not the reason why we age Free Radicals Unstable molecules that damage proteins fats and lipids Rate of Living Theories This contributes to disease Wear and Tear Theory Aging occurs because of the system wearing out over time Autoimmune Theory Aging is a function of the body s immune system becoming defective it produces antibodies against itself Can Aging be Reversed or Delayed 1 Telomeres the end of chromosomes Telomeres shorten with age evidence Progeria someone born old Developing treatment to prevent shortening of telomeres 2 Growth Hormones Replace depleted hormones 3 Caloric Restriction Reducing calorie intake by 50 70 Increased life expectancy delayed disease Predicting Longevity 1 Heredity How long did your parents grandparents live 2 Social Factors Health attitudes habits life style occupations 3 Biological Factors extra X chromosome in females help in resistance to infection Important Lifestyle Practices Do not smoke Moderate alcohol use Healthy diet regular exercise Social integration Changes in Physical Appearance 1 Visible signs of aging skin wrinkles gray hair loss or gain in weight 2 inch height decrease per decade beginning in 40 s 3 Some changes can be modified Sensory Deficits with Age Decreased sensitivity to smell taste temperature pain Increased instability of posture and gait Age Related Changes in Vision Presbyopia extreme far sightedness Problems adapting to the dark Increased sensitivity to glare Diminished depth perception risk in falls Glaucoma Hardening of the eyeball and buildup of fluid in the eyes If left untreated can destroy vision Macular Degeneration Deterioration of the retina Leading cause of blindness

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KSU GERO 14029 - The Biology of Aging

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