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Studying Human Sexuality 09 09 2013 What Is Human Sexuality All aspects of humans as sexual beings What does the word sex mean o Biological Sex o Constantly seeking sex sexy in 1920s o Change over time o Sexual intercourse o Meanings reflect Own personal experiences Our understanding of issues Experiencing Your Own Sexuality Personal Sexual Philosophy o Emotions knowledge o Develops across lifespan o Influenced by morals values What you know may be wrong o Social constructivism o Terms for genitalia What People Have Thought Through the Ages Prehistoric Sexuality o Women worshipped Bigger women sign of health o Seen through art Venus of Willendorf o Era of phallic worship Men s purpose sexually known o Incest taboo Native American Spirituality o Did not view nudity or sexuality as something shameful or evil o Accepting of sexual exploration o Polygamists allowing men and women to choose multiple partners o Very little evidence of prostitution or rape o Included a view of gender centered around four genders Male essence in female and visa versa two spirits Transgender esteemed not limited spiritually advanced Early Chinese Culture Indian Similar o Sexuality and spirituality linked o Positive view of sexuality o Male versus female Female essence yin male essence yung Women have unlimited access of yin Yung easily depleted PVI replenished yung because yin converted to yung to replenish supply Orgasm for women supplied burst of yin The Greeks and Romans 500 300 BCE o Greek Gods liked sexual variety men women animals Men and women are bisexual Prostitution flourished Most common form modern day brothels Women had very few right No education unless father brother husband wanted them to be Pederasty approved of Married men with older adolescent lovers honor for child o Roman Family primary source of strength Women have few rights No pederasty Three terms used still used today Felatio oral sex on male Cuntalingus oral sex on female Fornication cheating groping negative Comes from fornics meaning arch Judeo Christian Morality o Hebrews Be fruitful and multiply Sex within marriage is joyful and rewarding make bond between husband and wife stronger Adultery bad particularly for women Women with few rights property of fathers Sold in marriage for dowry Polygamy legal but not always practiced Divorce permitted Male or female could seek divorce Divorce for not wanting to multiply o Christians celibacy Negative view of sexuality Early writings argue that the only path to spirituality is However if not possible least sinful form of sex is within marriage for procreative purposes only Sex for pleasure purposes is sinful Divorce outlawed Radical ideas Protestants Celibacy not only way to spiritual purity Priests only Reintroduce idea that within marriage sex can be rewarding not just for procreation The Victorian Era o Queen Victoria Conservative Repression o Table skirts piano skirts o Women s dresses bustle and corset o Women seen as fragile and in need of protection Poor women chaperoned heavily o Calling card receive or reject Too delicate to say that face to face o Once on date they can have premarital sex going to get married eventually o Men were to avoid ejaculation Robbing to vitality o Women had sexual anesthesia o Prostitution at all time high o Women go to physician and diagnosed with pelvic hyperemia Treatment manual valvular massage Not viewed as a sexual act Invented vibrators Fifth household device to be electric People of Changing Era Victorian to Progressive Havelock Ellis 1859 1939 o Child of the Victorian era o Encyclopedia of sexuality o Sexual Inversion Published Book Discussed homosexuality and same sex orientation Sexual desires in women natural homosexuality naturally occurring Richard von Krafft Ebing 1840 1902 o Psychopathia Sexualis 1886 Published Book Medical Biological viewpoint rational viewpoint of sexuality and atypical behaviors can be studied Necrophilia Bestiality Not a punishment from god Sigmund Freud 1856 1939 o Sex a primary motivation force o If you want to understand personality need to understand sexuality and adult relationships with sexuality Alfred Kinsey 1894 1956 o First large scale studies of sexual behaviors of adults Progressive Era to First Sexual Revolution 1910 1929 Young women entering into workplace o Lower class women low paying jobs o Financial independence o Called Charity Girls Dance halls developing o Strong effect on behavior and fashion Hemlines rise drink alcohol wear makeup Victorian wears not as popular Roaring 20s o Liberal era Gender sexual drive o Male potency through sexuality men primarily influenced by Positive constructive force Men s role in constructing marital bliss Responsible for overcoming passionlessness that women were thought to have Linked to the essence of manhood Virtually unattainable status Links men to aggression power and forcefulness o Women weren t interested in sex only love and romance Sexual Behavior o Working class communities Sexual identity and orientation The Sexual Revolution 1960 1969 Men expected sex from women at earlier ages Political unrest and social upheaval Vietnam Conflict o Conservative parental generation liberal child generation Social permissiveness Turn on tune in drop out More willing to discuss sex openly Further liberation of female sexuality The Sexual You Sexual Comfort Zones o Positive Negative reactions to sexual issues discussions o The SOS Erotophobia erotophilia o Sexual Inhibition Excitation When I think about a hot bath I become aroused Indifferences in sexual response patterns Research Methods A Scientific Approach 09 09 2013 Rely on research while possibly exploring opinions but not relying on them Empirical Knowledge Knowledge derived from evidence Scientific Method Formulate Idea Research Question Generate Research Hypothesis More specific than question Can put numbers behind Test Hypothesis Analyze Data Draw Conclusions Inferences based on data not opinion Things to Worry About Validity of Measures Results Does it measure what you are trying to measure Is that scale valid for the x purposes Reliability of Measures Results Consistency Repeatability Can I repeat these results Representativeness of a Sample Can we generalize the results to another group Gender age race Self Selection Bias aka Volunteer Bias Choice in when and what to participate in Sexual research younger higher educated higher income more willing to Giving answers that are socially correct acceptable

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OSU PSYCH 2333 - Studying Human Sexuality

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