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Poll everywhere Psychology o Scientific study of mind and behavior Mind Behavior Refers to mental processes and events o Consciousness emotion motivation cognition thought memory language etc Potentially all observable or measurable activities of a living organism not necessarily human Roots of psychology o Created from union of bio and philosophy Psychology as an empirical science o Amiable skepticism critical thinking vs Common sense Intuition Authority Gut feeling knowing from within How to maintain a balance between openness to new ideas and skepticism o Critical thinking as intellectual self defense Critical thinking is rational Thinker is often aware of biases Thinker is always ready to revise previously held beliefs in light of new evidence Thinker reflects Nature vs nurture o Are psychological characteristics a product of nature or nurture Bio innate or acquired through education experience and culture o Nature ex heredity o Nurture ex religion Bio is increasingly important o Bio research Brain chemistry Chemicals neurotransmitters communicate messages thru nerve cells New insights into mental activity behavior and treatments Human genome Working brain Basic genetic code for human body Links between genes and behavior Treatment using genetic manipulation Using neuroscience methods Consistent patterns of brains activity associated with specific mental tasks Some localization of function but typically many brain regions involved Mind is adaptive o From neuroplasticity to phobias Solving problems but can be maladaptive Multiple levels of analysis o Biological Smallest level Physical body contributes Neurochemical and genetic processes o Individual Most common and most interested o Social Personality differences that affect how people perceive and know the world How a group context affects how we interact influence and each other o Cultural How different cultures shape thoughts feelings and actions of people in them Unaware of all influences on behavior thinking mind etc o By subtle environmental factors even when they are unaware of these factors o Priming o Role of unconscious Sigmund Freud o automaticity of daily life o Only aware of a fraction of environmental influences

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