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Exam 1 Scientific inquiry theory homer o hypothesis o operationalize o Interconnected ideas and or models of behavior o similarity attraction o used to explain prio events to make predictions of future events specific testable prediction of outcome supports theory translates conceptual variables to quantifiable variables that can be measure operational definition o measure Do you know any other corresponding factors Any support needed assets variables of interest 3 types of research Experimental Correlational Descriptive Analyze data o Evaluate o Retrieve o Revise o Report Hypotheses theory need revision Conferences books etc descriptive studies o observational studies o Observe and describe naturally occurring behviors o 2 types Naturalistic observation Observer not involved Doesn t change situation Participant observation Researcher involved in situation Resonhan 1973 o Issues in it Observer bias Experimenter expantancy affect Correlational studies o Study relationship o Variable refers to whats being observed measured o Correlational methods study relationship b w variables o Issues with it Casuality Directionality 3rd variable problem Experimental studies o Experimenter actively manipulates control environemtn in order to observe affects o Control group Allows researches to give cause and effect statements about outcome o Independent variable Variable you have power over Can choose and manipulate Includes Control group Experimental group o Treatment group o Dependent variable Variable being measured Variable affected by experiement Data analysis o Validity Does data address hypotheses o Reliability o Descriptive statistics Consistency stability of measure over time Describe data in consise way Measure of central tendancy Typical number o Median middle o Mode freq o Mean average Measure of variability Amount of variability b w variables o Range diff o Standard devidation avg amt o Correlations Relationship between variables Direction of relationship o Pos both in and decrease o Neg one in other de Strength Nervous system o Cns Brain Spinal cord o Pns Nerves PNS o Complex biological system designed for communication Nearly instaneaous communication throughout human body o Nerves o Connects all body organs and systems to CNS o Carries brain motor commands to other parts of body thru motor neurons o Monitors internal and external environments for brain by sensory neurons Somatic nervous system o Regulates voluntary motor actions o Relays sensory info to brain Autonomic nervous system o Primarily involuntary control of glands organs and muscles Parasympathetic nervous system o Returns body to resting states where it maintains until arousal needed o rest and digest system Sympathetic nervous system o mobilizes organs and muscles in order to respond to a threat o creates fight or flight response brain stem cerebellum forebrain o involves survival function o injury death o descriptor of midbrain hindbrain minus cerebullem plus thalamus o involves balance coordination and some voluntary movements o control movement by coordination in sensory inputs o cerebral cortex frontal parietal temporal emotion speech memory auditory cognition ocipial vision color o thalamus gateway All sensory infro must pass thru this before realying to cerebal cortex Info is limited to cortex while asleep o limbic system thalamus hyperthalamus amgydala hippocampus regulates emotions and wake sleep cycle helps formation of memory seat for basic drives hunger thirst sex exam 3 thinking and intelligence o decision making make irrational decision don t look at pros cons too quick algorithims heuristics representative step by step procedure to find exact correct answer rule of thumb mental shortcut to determine answer availbilty o whatever is more avaiavble in memory more probable o the more it resembles the more probable o problem solving obstacles functional fixedness o seeing one function typical function o seeing one solution as you always have no new ways mental set overcoming obstacles restructuring insight o solving in a new way o kohlers apes o figure it out until you get what you want paradox of choice o the more the better o satisficers satisfying answers o maximizers perfect answer o intelligence o reasoning human ability to use knowledge to reason make decisions understand complex ideas solve problems inductive deductive specific to general general to specific o current level of skills and knowledge achievement aptitude IQ Flynn effect o predicts future performance o Mental age real age x100 IQ increase with each generation Better nutrition More education Emotion and motivation o Emotion o Mood o emotion Long term emotional state less intense bevior influence depression more intense specific response triggers onterupts change in behavior Involves psychological processes subjective evaluation and cognitive belief Performance increases with arousal until optimal pt then decreases with increasing arousal sad angry irritable o psychological arousal increased autonomic response o Yerkes dodson law o Maslows hierarchy of needs Psychological Safety Belonging and love Self esteem Self affienciey o Self efficacy Efforts will lead to success o Achievement motive o Delayed gratification Desire to do well Studying not partying Putting off short term gratification for long term cause Health and well being Stages of change model o Behaviors and attitudes affect out health o Pre contemplation o Contemplation o Prepataiton for action o Action o Maintenance Coping o Hardiness Stress resistant Challenge commitment control View events constructively o Optimisim Glass half full Hopefulness confidence of future o Assertiveness Coping skills o Apprailsails Primary stress a harm loss threat Secondary what can I do Can I handle this Acting in own best interests by Expressin thoughts feelings directly and honestly o Types of coping Emotion focused Uncontrollable highly stressed Toss in positive to spin off Problem focused Step by step to figure problem out Weighing out costs nad benefits Contrable Moderate stress o Heart diseas Genetics bad health smoking Leading adult death Build up of plague interrupts blood flow o Personality traits A goal orientad B relaxed Human development o Lifelong process o Constant gain loss o Characterized by placidity across entire lifespan o Determined by multiplicity of causes Attachment in other species Imprinting o Life long bond between infant and caregiver o Critical period o Attachment of

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UA CH 101 - Exam 1

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