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Classnotes 12 Chapter 12 Physical Development Middle Childhood Developmental Psychology See also Video Guide for Fat and Happy for ch 12 related material Video Guide Fat and Happy Scientific American Frontiers Chapter 12 material Segment Obesity Begins at Home http www youtube com watch v CNA3zltptmk Current Rate of Obesity among kids 1 in 4 children are obses Risks for these kids as adults Heart disease diabetes Results from the Children s Eating Lab PSU Leann Birch Eat what you want Experiment Younger vs older kids Older kids are socialized to finish their plate but younger kids stop when they are full What have older kids learned with regard to portion size To finish portions regardless of size when the pizza slice was doubled they still finished their plates The Taboo Goldfish Experiment The goldfish became a limited snack until the woman rang the bell When the bell was sounded the kids were more excited to eat the goldfish and ate a lot more of it Forbidden fruit effect Forbidden Fruit Effect Results from this study Does not promote moderation has the opposite effect Food vs Fun Experiment Parents who use restrictive feeding practices make their children more likely to pig out and eat the most when they are Results for offering kids unrestricted vs restricted foods finally given access to unhealthy foods Kids without restrictions have more self control How do we help parents What do you do Pressuring children to eat healthy foods turns them off from it What to do 1 Portion sizes 2 Appreciate how children learn to like healthier foods repeated presentations patience lack of pressure Segment Couch Potato Kids Tammy Scholl Len Epstein University of Buffalo physical activity and kids http www youtube com watch v V8OI9HIjkl0 Activity Monitors What is the average rate of consumption for TV computer in a week TV computer 24 hours a week 3 5 per day First Manipulation Results Increase TV computer time Eating in front of TV 45 increase Total calories consumed 10 increase Decrease in physical activity 2 hours a week Second Manipulation Results Decrease TV computer time Activity increase od 3 5 hours Reallocation of 1 3 of the time Segment The Desert s Perfect Foods Tohono O Odham Pima Reservations Tucson AZ http www youtube com watch v 7OzB0jfiBE8 What is meant by decrease in traditional food consumption The old foods are those that are grown in the desert and the land There is a decrease because of the westernization of the Native Americans who are no longer costumed to eating their traditional foods What is percentage of all Pima and Tohono O Odhom who have diabetes of the Pima and Tohono people have diabetes Why Because of the gene What is meant by the thrifty gene and supermarket diet Put on weight very easily during desert times when there is not a lot of food available Now they have access to supermarket food and do not rely on the land sit in front of the TV and drive everywhere Why has their weight changed over time activity type and level Because their bodies are used to the natural foods that slowly release nutrients slowly and the supermarket non traditional foods are all processed and release nutrients all at once it is too much to process and their bodies are not used to this which is part of the reason they are developing diabetes Key words terms objectives textbook only Health Safety the development of vaccines for major childhood illnesses has made middle childhood a relatively safe time of line death rates are the lowest in the life span but children still suffer from obesity Overweight children and prevalence of childhood obesity the prevalence of childhood obesity has more than doubled in the past 25 years nearly 50 of children in North and South America 39 in Europe and 20 in China are likely to be overweight in the US about 17 of children between 2 19 are obese and another 16 5 are overweight boys are more likely to be overweight than girls although it also depends on ethnic groups 25 or more of Mexican American boys 26 5 of non Hispanic black girls Body image how one believes one looks dissatisfaction Causes of overweight concern with body image begins to be important in early in middle childhood especially for girls and may develop into eating disorders that become more common in adolescence in 9 12 year old girls 49 55 were dissatisfied with their weight with heavier girls experiencing overall high often results from an inherited tendency aggravated by too little exercise and too much or the wrong kinds of food most likely to be overweight if you have overweight parents or relatives poor nutrition and the advertising and availability of snack foods also contributes eating out those who eat out consume more than 200 calories than those at home 30 of a children and adolescents eat fast foods inactivity sedentary behaviors Why is childhood overweight a serious concern children are at risk for behavior problems depression and low self esteem they commonly have medical problems high insulin high cholesterol childhood diabetes overweight children obese adults higher blood pressure heart disease orthopedic problems and diabetse Preventions and treatments of overweight overweight and childhood hypertension healthy attitudes about food and appropriate activity levels prevention is much better than treatment education programs less tv healthier foods and more activities in schools Hypertension high blood pressure is an evolving epidemic of cardiovascular risk especially among ethnic minorities in a study in 10 19 year olds 4 5 had hypertension and being overweight was the major contributing factor can use drugs to treat if necessary but the long term effects are unknown Classnotes 13 Chapter 13 Cognitive Development Middle Childhood Key words terms objectives Piaget The Concrete Operational Child ALSO see Textbook on these issues Third stage of Piagetian cognitive development Operations principles we use when solving problems Children develop logical but not abstract thinking Children solve Concrete or actual problems but do NOT solve possible or abstract problems Mastered cause and effect but are limited to here and now no future no possible problems Cognitive advances of the Concrete Operational Child Space and Causality better understanding of spatial relationships They can give you clear directions on how to get somewhere understand maps and models and the ability to communicate spatial info improves with age Examples How long does it take to get to school Grandma

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Chapter 12: Physical Development– Middle Childhood

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