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9 3 13 1 Why do we need to study research methods Introduction to Research Methods We need more formal ways of asking and answering question we often make effort in our personal human inquiry o Inaccurate Observations errors lighting o Overgeneralizations judging stereotypes o Selective Observations see what you want to see in denial o Illogical Reasoning Gambler s fallacy a losing streak it will turn around 2 Other Social Sciences that use theses same research methods o Ideology Politics who will get funded what agency trends waves NO Anthropology Economics Psychology Sociology Social Working 3 Features of the Scientific Method Empirical Verifiable Cumulative Self Correcting Deterministic Ethical Ideologically Neutral Value free Statistically Generalizable Measurement questions hardest technical Descriptive questions Exploratory questions explore describe Casual questions Evaluative questions 4 Types of Questions Asked by Social Scientists 5 Who are the Researchers Professor Academics Government Employees Practitioners non academic Students Journalists 9 5 13 6 Theories Paradigms Methods Theory attempts to develop plausible explanations of reality Paradigm way of organizing information ex behaviorism in psychology Methodology the how part 7 Two Logical Systems Linking Theory Research Deductive Logic the development of expectations or hypotheses from theories Inductive Logic the development of generalizations from specific observations 8 Types of Research 1 9 Approaches to Research Pure Applied start w problem curious interested Qualitative Quantitative o Qualitative variables observation story o Quantitative operalization mathematical take data transport Positivistic approach from the natural sciences ex Auguste Comte first sociologist Interpretive understand everyday lived experience Weber Critical generating liberating knowledge for a better world atavistic Marx Freud 10 Scientific Research and Time Cross Sectional Research snapshot of a collection of people at one time Longitudinal Research time as a variable o Time Series observe different people at multiple times o Panel observe the exact same people at 2 or more times o Cohort observe people who shared an experience at 2 or more times o Case Study observe a small set of people intensely across time 11 Purposes of Research Research serves a of purposes Exploration Description Explanation Evaluation Application 12 The Language of Research Concepts Abstract tags put on reality Operationalization Process of turning concepts into measurable things Variables o Independent o Dependent value on dependent depends on independent Hypothesis Specific statements that describe relationships between variables 13 General Steps Problem Formation Research Design Data Collection Methods Analysis Presentation of Findings Conclusion Interpretations Limitations MOVIE The Elegant Universe outline given Isaac Newtown unified heavens earth by GRAVITY Take same info turn it into motion w space time 2 9 10 13 Ethics in Research Definition Doing what is morally and legally right in the conducting of research 1 Ethical Horror Stories Don t let this happen to you A Biomedical Examples B Social Science Examples i Milgram Obedience Study reactions to authorities 1 Think you are harming people psychological ii Zimbardo Simulated Prison Study Interested in roles prison iii Humphrey s Tearoom Trade study 1 1 Made homosexual behavior ex public restrooms iv Project Camelot 1 Study in Chile data found its way to CSA C Researcher Fraud Plagiarism 2 No Harm to Respondents 3 Voluntary Participation 4 Anonymity Confidentiality 5 Deceiving Respondents generally not good 6 Codes of Professional Ethics transparency is best A Informed Consent B Special Populations i Juveniles ii Prisoners 8 The Belmont Report 1974 A Principle of Respect for persons B Principle of Beneficence C Principle of Justice 7 Institutional Review Boards IRBs does research on how you treat your participants 9 Ethical Problems Examples of Cases will be on exam read text A Brajuha Case Involved ASA code of ethics field notes were unheld B Ofshe Case researcher sued by Synanon sued by drug rehab program C Hutchinson Case Golden Fleece Award tax on social science researchers 3 D Scarce Case graduate student was jailed for 157 days for ASA ex jello in gas tanks 10 How to Avoid Ethical Problems A Be careful in your research design B Consider alternative methodologies that present less risk to respondents C Interview people telephone survey i Adjust research methods to match up potential ethical problems 9 12 13 Series Secrets of the Dead Episode Doping for Gold substances Athletes were not told what pills they were taking pills were snuck into less potent Many of the girl athletes barely reached puberty before they received the hormone pill Doctors were always trying to make the steroids more productive In the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics the world took notice as East Germany a relatively small country with few previous Olympic wins triumphed with an impressive 40 gold medals The women s swim team alone won 11 of 13 swim events Sports doctors were forced to sign contracts so they could not talk about the steroids Athletes would be pre screened for international events if found positive for steroids then the athlete was not allowed to participate By the 1980s steroid use was growing throughout the sports world and scientists were fighting a constant battle to catch up with ever more sophisticated doping techniques At the Pan American games in 1983 organizers asked West German scientists to set up a lab to test for illegal drug use It was the first time a large number of positive tests became public 9 17 13 The Experimental Model 1 The experimental model as a research design The Gold Standard 2 Developed on the Natural Sciences experimentation in the social sciences began in psychology Perceptual Psychology Behaviorism Mental Measurement Human Factors 3 Experimentation is best suited for 2 of the 4 purposes of research noted previously Explanation Evaluation 4 Topics in Experimental CCJS Research Effectiveness of a Arrests for domestic violence b Drug education programs D A R E c Correctional Boot Camps 4 5 The 3 steps to establishing causality linking independent dependent variables a Demonstrate that a relationship exists between key variables b Specify the time order of the relationship c Eliminate rival causal factors expose any spurious relationships 6 Rival Causal Factors 2 General Types

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UMD CCJS 300 - Introduction to Research Methods

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