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1 What are the proper methodological features of a properly designed experiment An experiment is a study in which the investigator manipulates at least one variable while measuring at least one other variable an attempt to measure how changes in one variable affect one or more other variables The independent variable is the item that an experimenter changes controls The dependent variable is the item that an experimenter measures to determine how it was affected 2 What are the functions of the hypothalamus thalamus hippocampus and amygdala Hypothalamus located below thalamus important for hunger thirst temperature regulation sex and other motivated behaviors Thalamus center of the brain last stop for all sensory info on the way to the cerebral cortex surrounded by limbic system Hippocampus large forebrain structure inside temporal lobe important for Amygdala key area for emotion sends info modifying activity in medulla memory and pons memory 3 What are the major philosophical positions on the mind body problem Mental phenomena appear to be different from the bodies on which they depend Dualism is the theory that mind and body are 2 distinct substances and monism is the theory that mind and body are in reality one substance 4 What are the principles of classical and operant conditioning Classic Conditioning Pavlovian conditioning process by which an organism learns a new association between 2 paired stimuli a neutral stimulus and one that already evokes a reflexive response Operant Conditioning instrumental conditioning process of changing behavior by following a response with reinforcement 5 What are the main types of traditional intelligence tests in use today The Stanford Binet Test The Weschler Tests Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale 3rd Edition and Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children 4th Edition and Culture Reduced Tests 6 What are the approaches to setting goals for yourself that are most likely to lead to success Setting difficult but realistic goals are the most effective It is important to overcome procrastination and set achievable goals and deadlines 7 What is the anatomical connection between the nervous system and the endocrine system The autonomic nervous system which controls the internal organs heart influences the endocrine system a set of glands that produces hormones and releases them into the blood 8 What are the causes and symptoms of the condition suffered by a split brain patient A split brain patient whose corpus callosum is cut feels something with the left hand but can t describe it because the info goes to the right nonspeaking hemisphere as if two minds are in one skull 9 What are the Piagetian developmental stages and what are the major events of each stage Sensorimotor Stage birth to almost 2 years behavior is mostly simple motor responses to sensory stimuli grasp and sucking reflexes Preoperational Stage 2 to 7 a child lacks operations reversible mental processes Concrete Operations Stage 7 to 11 children perform mental operations on concrete objects but still struggle with abstract hypothetical ideas Formal Operations Stage 11 and older children develop mental processes dealing with abstract hypothetical situations these processes demand logical deductive reasoning and systematic planning 10 What are the differences between an expert and a novice chess player Expert players can recognize familiar patterns quicker but it is even if the pieces are put randomly 11 What was the result of research on students estimates of how long it would take to finish an honors thesis The students with set deadlines did better much better than those who chose to assign each paper due at the end of the semester 12 What is the method of introspection and which psychologists favored Introspection looking within oneself Wilhelm Wundt 13 What are the main types of aphasia and what are the symptoms of each using it type Broca s Aphasia a condition characterized by difficulties in language production the patient speaks slowly and inarticulately impaired with using understanding grammar prepositions conjunctions etc Wernicke s Aphasia a condition marked by difficulty recalling the names of objects and impaired comprehension of language 14 What does it mean for a result to be replicable Replicable results are those that anyone can obtain by following the same procedures originally taken 15 What are the functions associated with each of the cortical lobes Occipital Lobe at the rear end of the head is specialized for vision Temporal Lobe left and right sides of the head is the main area for hearing and some complex vision aspects Parietal Lobe forward from occipital lobe top is specialized for the body senses such as touch pain temperature and awareness Frontal Lobe front of the head is important for control of fine movements Intrinsic motivation whatever produces flow becomes its own reward Reciprocity motivations prevent cheating others are willing to help you and do business with you if you have been good to them Attitude an evaluation of some aspect of the world involves cognitive emotional and behavioral components attitudes do not always correlate well with behavior Repression anxiety evoking thoughts are kept unconscious Sublimation person converts an unacceptable impulse into a socially acceptable activity Rationalization person explains away their actions to reduce anxiety

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Rutgers PSYCHOLOGY 101 - Exam

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