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Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Chapter 14 Media Mob City Twitter Feed http www nytimes com 2013 12 02 business media mob city uses twitter to build suspense for a premiere html r 0 New twitter card that has everything embedded o Using new technology from twitter to involve people New show from creator of Walking Dead o Attract Walking Dead fans to new show Twitter advantage added value of learning back story of show Interest in those time periods show is set in 40s o Have pop up guerilla marketing Acknowledging the trend of binge watching o Consolidating the episode showing what happens next in advance Key Players Advertising Agencies o Hired for creative executions Media Buying Companies o Companies responsible for buying media space Media Functions as Separate Companies o Planning and buying specific agencies In House Media Planning o Within the client company New Media Agencies o Experts in the digital social space The Central Role of Media Research Marketing Sources o Distribution platforms Where might messages make sense o Market sales o Rivals patterns Where is a category highly developed What competitors are doing Media Sources o Popularity of media o Profiles o Cost forecasts Creative Sources o Themes o Message o Research Media Research Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark o Media Planning o Media Buying Key Media Planning Decisions Target audience and Media Use o Who is our audience and what type of media do they use The Aperture Concept o When consumers are most receptive to a brand message o When are they in the mood to hear my message Measured Media Objectives o Goal to achieve the best media mix to maximize reach and frequency to generate the greatest impact for the money spent o Reach o Frequency Calculating GRPs GRPs Gross Rating Points are found by multiplying each media vehicle s rating by the number of insertions then adding up the total of all vehicles Table 11 1 A Program F 6 9 GRPs Survivor American Idol Lost 24 208 Calculating GRPs Plan A R 35 HH Rating Insertions 8 48 8 56 8 72 8 32 6 7 9 4 Total Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Media Strategy the media objectives The most cost effective media mix to reach the target audience and satisfy o Who is the audience o What are you selling o When should you advertise it o For how long should you advertise it o Size of your advertisement Scheduling Strategies Timing strategies when to advertise o Seasonality holidays days of the week time of the day o Lead time time between thinking about purchase and purchasing Duration how long Continuity how often Two scheduling strategies alternative periods of intense advertising activity Flighting Strategy bursts and no advertising hiatus o Spread money over time o Big bursts of intense message sending o Confidence that people wont forget during hiatus Pulsing Strategy levels valleys of activity Advertising is intensified peaks and reduced to lower o Always have some advertising presence all year products Cost Efficiency CPMs and CPPs Used to measure target audience s size against the cost of reaching that audience Cost per thousand CPM Cost per point CPP o cost of message unit gross impressions x 1000 o cost of message unit program or issue rating

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