Human Development Changes between conception to death physical brain cognitive social emotional behavioral Developmental Psychology The study of human development in all areas 12 of psychologists are developmental for a long time children were main subjects now we know development continues What do developmental psychologists study Everything anything physical cognitive or social Major Themes Stages or continuous What is normal typical there is a wide variance of what is normal Nature vs Nurture biology vs environment and experience Now recognize it is a mix but still ask how much of each how can we use this to help people Adolescence 13 22ish Transition period from being a dependent child to self supporting adult Cultural differences emerging adulthood Physical Changes Puberty Skeletal growth spurt with sexual maturation ability to reproduce Spurt in brain growth emotions before impulse control can cause trouble Timing of puberty Girls 11 5 Boys 13 5 This reflects improved cognitive skills the growing ability to think abstractly and solve problems brain changes Who has the advantage for girls Middle girls who mature early and late have problems early get pulled into older crowds drug use relationships etc Who has the advantage for boys Early tend to be bigger and stronger get experience better athletes more responsibility but at higher risk for drinking drug use etc Cognitive Thinking Changes 3 slides more self aware self reflective Who am I How do I fit in the world etc Teen egocentric thinking Personal fable common belief of adolescents that they are unique and are protected from harm Makes sense they are experiencing world more intensely than before but don t recognize that others are too imaginary audience belief that everyone is looking and judging them don t realize most are too caught up to care Social and Emotional Changes Shift from family to friends influence and interest but family still counts Teen stress and storm not like myth suggests Time of rapid change Many experience more extreme moods Really hard for some But most have no major problems Conflict with parents especially mothers go up in both sexes Behavior Changes Adolescent risk taking Risk behavior for many teens This in spite of fact decision making skills improving So why take them Reward sensitivity increases Self regulation difficulties Social Personal fable What is temperament typical pattern of interacting with the world How we usually react to or approach things Activity level irritability sociability fearfulness Nature or Nurture Both part genes but environment impacts Is it stable Generally yes Temperament Profiles Easy 40 Flexible happy Difficult 10 fussy cries often actively resists change Slow to warm up 15 less active resists change but more passively Mixed 35 Goodness of Fit Data Thomas and Chess Sensitive negs decrease Insensitive negatives grow Idea that development is optimized when parenting is sensitive to child s temperament Attachment emotional bond between individuals starts early in life What function purpose does it serve Provides comfort during times of distress Provides security to explore Attachment Styles See Class Handout Parenting Styles See Class Handout Cognitive Development See Class Handout
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