Psych Reading for January 11th Pages 42 55 Ideomotor Effect When facilitators ideas are unknowingly influencing their movements The Beauty and Necessity of Good Research Prefrontal Lobotomy Surgical procedure that severs fibers connecting the frontal lobes of the brain from the underlying thalamus Heuristics and Biases How We Can be Fooled The same psychological processes that service us well in most situations also predispose us to errors in thinking Heuristics Mental shortcuts that help us to streamline our thinking and Cognitive Misers Mentally lazy and try to conserve mental energies by make sense of our world simplifying the world Representative Heuristic Heuristic that involves judging the probability of an event by its superficial similarity to a prototype Base Rate Ho common a characteristic or behavior is in the general population o Base Rate Fallacy When we neglect to consider base rates Availability Heuristic Heuristic that involves estimating the likelihood of an occurrence based on the ease with which it comes to our minds Cognitive Biases Systematic errors in thinking Cognitive Biases Hindsight Bias Tendency to overestimate how well we could have successfully forecasted known outcomes Overconfidence Tendency to overestimate our ability to make correct predictions Naturalistic Observation Studying Humans In the Wild Naturalistic Observation Watching behavior in real world settings without trying to manipulate the situation External Validity The extent to which we can generalize our findings to real world settings Internal Validity The extent to which we can draw cause and effect inferences Case Study Designs Getting to Know You Case Study Research design that examines one person or a small number of people in depth often over an extended period of time Existence Proofs Demonstrations that a given psychological phenomenon can occur Self Report Measures and Surveys Asking People about Themselves and Others Random Selection Procedure that ensures every person in a population has Self Report Measures Questionnaires an equal chance of being chosen to participate Reliability Consistency of measurement Interrater Reliability The extent to which different people who conduct an interview or make behavioral observations agree on the characteristics they re measuring Validity The extent to which a measure assesses what is purports to measure questionnaire items Response Set Tendency of research participants to distort their responses to o Positive Impression Management The tendency to make ourselves look better than we are o Malingering The tendency to make ourselves appear psychologically disturbed with the aim of achieving a clear cut personal goal Halo Effect The tendency of ratings of once positive characteristic to spill over to influence the ratings of other positive characteristics
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