EDPSY 14 FINAL Unit V Motivation Motivation internal process that activates guides and maintains behavior over time Students who are motivated to learn something use higher cognitive processes in learning about it and absorb and pertain more from it More likely to transfer learning to new situations Unstable changes often Learned helplessness expectation that based on experience ones actions will ultimately lead to failure Lesson value Joke about ability Perception that no matter what someone does they are doomed for failure or ineffectuality Related to an internal stable explanation for failure I fail because I am stupid and that means I will always fail Believe that they have little chance of earning good grades How to solve Break down skills Guided practice Positive feedback and success Show what they are doing is internal and not because of teacher Attribution retraining show them they can do it Success through guided material that they will succeed with important but will not work without independent practice Most importantly attribution learning this means we need to look at the individual successes that they have and we need to talk about attributing those to their effort Arousal Focusing attention Very important for us to have arousal to do things well The more you do a task the easier it becomes starts at complex then becomes simple Nature of task Simple tasks we must increase arousal to get higher quality of performance Making copies gets very boring and the person can slack so they need arousal to make sure they do their work well High arousal higher quality of performance Complex tasks we do not want that much arousal because the tasks are difficult High quality performance low arousal If you are scared for an exam complex task you want to take a deep breath to reduce arousal Try to make things automatic so we don t get nervous when doing tasks Lots of practice Psychological arousal Performance Poor performance time tired Good performance Reasons test is too hard didn t study enough distraction Reasons easy studied smart Luck external locus of control external cannot control unstable Difficulty locus of control external uncontrollable stable Effort locus of control is internal you control how much effort you give unstable because you put in different amounts of energy Ability stable internal uncontrollable Mastery Learning goals students see the purpose of schooling as gaining competence in the skills being taught Primarily intrinsic Likely to take difficult classes and seek challenge When students run into obstacles tend to keep trying More likely to use metacognitive or self regulated learning Likely to learn more May not get the highest grades because they study what interest them rather than what gets them the good grades Deemphasize grades and just try to get students to master strategies content Performance goals primarily seek to gain positive judgments of their competence and avoid negative judgments Primarily extrinsic Focus on getting good grades taking easy courses avoid When students run into obstacles become discouraged and challenging situations performance is hampered Very concentrated on doing better than others The type of learning that occurs if a teacher does not tell you why you are learning do it just to be better than others Trying to be the smartest kid in class make honor role Curving grades created performance goals Social goals motivated to gain status in a group Girls who do bad at math because it is not feminine Work avoidance goals motivated to get it done Signing progress reports not going to have a good signature want to get it done fast Just doing what I am told Avoid challenge The type of learning that occurs if a teacher does not tell you why you are learning Causes things to be sloppy If a teacher does not tell you why you are learning you are going to take a performance approach or work avoidance approach Self regulated learning learning that results from students self generated thoughts and behaviors that are systematically oriented toward their learning goals Students who are highly motivated to learn something are more likely than others to consciously organize their learning carry our a learning plan and retain information they obtain Students with high reading motivation are likely to read on their own and use effective comprehension strategies Social modeling seeing other students use self regulated Goal setting students are encouraged to establish their strategies own learning goals Feedback shows student that they are making good progress toward the learning goals Self regulated learning is different from achievement motivation because it requires the learner to take independent responsibility for learning not to simply comply with the teachers demands Engagement and investment describe motivation that leads students to engage in self regulated learning rather than simply doing the work and following the rules Developing a learning focused classroom Students self regulated learning Goal setting setting a goal to be at a certain reading level be able to do a math problem Goal monitoring students like to keep track to see if they are getting to their goal Must be frequent Metacognition getting students to think of how to be successful and when to use different strategies to complete tasks Strategies ways to reach goals strategies metacognition Teachers Modeling being a good role model for students model how students should be self regulating Enthusiasm be interested in what they re teaching Positive expectations When you give students good strategies to be successful they are able to attain very high levels of performance Fear of failure the main source of anxiety in school is fear of failure in which leads to loss of self esteem and leads to using coping strategies instead of learning Can apply many strategies to reduce negative impact of anxiety on learning and performance Create classroom climate that is accepting comfortable and Giving students opportunities to correct errors or improve work noncompetitive before hanging it in Provide clear instructions Avoid time pressure in tests Need for achievement More prone to want to be successful if you parents push you goes hand in had with the need to avoid failure The need to succeed and more of attraction side and the need to avoid failure more repelling influences The need to succeed is mainly from environmental factors at home if parents encourage you to try challenges
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