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Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Chapter 4 How Marketing Communication Works DOES ADVERTISING WORK Many professionals and academics are not sure how or if advertising works at all Few people are actually aware of ad messages and those who are do little in response o Poorly executed advertising doesn t communicate well to its intended audience or have desired impact Advertising is an 80 billion dollar agency many believe it works Back briefing Look at competitors and try to extract their plan Try to recreate their creative brief Can look for potential weak points Media The ads are wearing the media Media is very strategic where might the ideal buyer be looking at this HOW DOES MARKETING COMMUNICATION WORK Advertising and other forms of marketing communication are first of all a form of communication Messages that are designed to have some type of impact Effective advertising message to a consumer about a brand o Seeks to create some kind of response The Mass Communication Approach Mass communication is a process which outlines the important players and steps SMCR model how mass communication works o Source sender who encodes a Client and agency o Message puts it in words and pictures The advertisement or other marketing communication o Channels of Communication what the message is sent through Tv commercials website twitter tweets o Receiver decodes or interprets the message target audience o Noise things that interrupt the sending and receiving of the message External hinders consumer s reception of message Technical socioeconomic changes Internal personal factors that affect reception of an ad Language skills purchase history o Feedback Obtained by monitoring the response of the receiver Reaction the audience has to a message Clutter the multitude of messages all competing to get consumers attention Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Adding Interaction to Marketing Communication Interactive Communication two way communication a dialogue or conversation Interactive source and receiver change positions as the message bounces back and forth between them Advertisers want to overcome the impersonal nature of mass communication they must learn to listen to customers messages Helps create long term customer relationships with a brand Permission Marketing them to make the first contact Idea that you ask people if its ok to contact them or wait for Mirrors the shift from one way to two way communication WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS BEHIND EFFECTIVENESS Good advertising is effective when it achieves the advertiser s desired response Traditional Approaches Impact How do people respond to the message Professionals have used several models to outline what they believe is the impact of an advertisement on its audience AIDA Most commonly used explanation of how advertising works o Attention interest desire and action o Hierarchy of effects model Think feel do Another simple answer to how advertising works o Motivates people to think of a message feel something about the brand and then do something Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Domains Attempts to solve the problem of linear steps o Messages have an impact on consumer responses not in steps but simultaneously Perception Learning Persuasion persuade them o Messages can engage consumers perceptions educate them and What Effects Are Critical Four building blocs essential to effective advertising Attention Brand awareness Attitudes rational and emotional Behavioral responses Traditional approaches to defining the effects of advertising pose two problems The presumption of a set of steps as a predictable pattern of response Missing effects o People don t always respond in such a linear predictable fashion WHAT ARE THE FACETS OF IMPACT Facets Model of Effects complete job of explaining how advertising creates impact Effective marcom speaks to us about things we want to know in ways we like 6 factor model used for setting objectives and evaluating the effectiveness of ad Communication Objective Perception See hear Consumer Response Emotional Affective Feel Cognition Think Understand Association Persuasion Connect Believe Factors That Drive a Response Exposure selection and attention interest relevance curiosity awareness recognition Wants and desires excitement feelings liking resonance Need cognitive learning comprehension differentiation recall Symbolism conditioned learning transformation Motivation influence involvement engagement Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark conviction preference and intention loyalty believability and credibility Mental rehearsal trial buying contacting advocating and referrals prevention army ads Behavior Act do The Perception Facet See Hear Perception is the process by which we receive information through our five senses and assign meaning to it Challenge is to create breakthrough advertising get attention stick in the mind impression perception Advertising that breaks through the perceptual filters and makes an Selective Perception Consumers select messages to which they pay attention Synergy Individual messages have more impact working jointly to promote a product than they would working on their own People integrate messages and experiences to create personal brand Subliminal Message cues given below the threshold of perception Get past your perceptual filters by talking directly to your subconscious The Emotional or Affective Facet Feel Affective responses mirror our feelings about something Positive brand communication is important Key task of an ad is to evoke emotion The Cognition Facet Think Understand Cognition How consumers search for and respond to information as well as how they learn and understand something Rational response to a message The Association Facet Connect Association The technique of communicating through symbolism Process of learning to make symbolic connections between a brand and desirable characteristics and qualities Brand relates to a quality that customers value Network of Association one thought cues other thoughts of association Brand Linkage reflects the degree to which the associations presented in the message as well as he consumer s interest are connected to the brand The Persuasion Facet Believe Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Persuasion The conscious intent on the part of the source to influence or motivate the receiver of a message to believe or do something Attitude State of mind to react to a situation in a given way The Behavior Facet Act Do Goal is to get people t act in various ways Direct

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