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HLTH377 Exam 1 Study Guide Research Dr Sylvester Graham Health problems caused by marital excess 1 oz of semen equal to 40 oz of blood Recommended that males ejaculate no more than 12 times a year John Kellogg Founded health spa at Battle Creek Michigan Believed in a healthy diet Obsessed with bowel movements and health Espoused abstinence Developed a list to identify masturbators Dr William Acton Believed that women had little sexual feelings or interest Women should avoid spasmodic convulsions during sex Radical treatment for spermatorrhea involuntary discharge of semen without orgasm Treatment was a tube inserted into the urethra Robert von Krafft Ebing German born psychiatrist Published first book to examine atypical sexual behavior sadism masochism and fetishism Blamed masturbation for all sexual ills Sigmund Freud Austrian psychiatrist Presence legitimized sexuality research Mature penetrative vs immature vulvar orgasm Jugum Penis and Anti Masturbation Device Devices used in the late 1800 s and early 1900 s to stop men from masturbating Henry Havelock Ellis English anthropologist Masturbation a common practive Sexual orientation existed in degrees Women s libido as strong as men s Alfred Kinsey Biology professor Published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male 1948 Sexual Behavior in the Human Female 1953 The findings were not well received The findings were reasonable however they were only representative of a small sample of the population The Hunt Report 1975 Kinsey s data now 30 years old Hunt replicates Kinsey s study Many findings are similar The Hite Report 1976 Examination of women s sexual behavior Extremely poor response rate only 3 6 not representative of the population Advent to pop psychology Masters Johnson 1966 Sexual response research Laboratory setting Developed a 4 stage sexual response model Sex in America 1994 Need for current data on teen sexual behavior Social and Behavior Aspects of Fertility Related Behavior study was not accepted University of Chicago would do the study but would not include adolescents Included adults 21 and older in the early 90 s in Chicago Legitimacy of findings People are most likely to be honest with a peer however an older adult was conducting the interviews Favorite things for Americans to do sexually 1 Penis vagina sex 2 Watching partner undress 3 Oral sex Participants are likely to choose 2 over 3 because the person conducting the interview was older and not a peer Female Reproductive Anatomy Mons Pubis soft fatty rounded area that covers and protects the pubic bone Labia Majora two thick fatty folds of skin that extend from the mons to the anus Enclose the labia minora The female counterpart of the male scrotum Labia Minora smaller inner lips that contain a great number of blood vessels and nerve endings which play a key role in women s sexual arousal Clitoris Functions solely to induce sexual pleasure Bartholin glands pea sized glands that secrete a drop or two of fluid when women are sexually aroused but do not lubricate the vagina Episiotomy surgical incision that enlarges the vaginal opening to facilitate the delivery of a baby cutting of the perineum Skene glands homologous to the male prostate gland Fallopian tubes oviducts Uterus Purpose is to receive a fertilized ovum and nourish and protect the baby as it develops Ovaries Female endocrine glands that produce female sex hormones estrogen progesterone and testosterone Primary sex characteristics hormonal changes Secondary sex characteristics physical changes Hair growth Menstruation 12 years 10 months average age Breast development Shape changes wider hips Nerve endings and vascular system in mons pubis and entire area for sexual stimulation and vaginal lubrication Clitoris is unique to a woman because it only has one function sexual stimulation Prepuce hood of clitoris is attached to the labia majora Clitoris retracts under the hood during sexual intercourse Clitoral hood provides friction on shock of clitoris and provides a buffer during intercourse Labia majora minora and the hymen are a form of protection to the vaginal opening in an evolutionary sense Bartholin s glands have an unknown purpose but they do NOT provide vaginal lubrication During intercourse the vagina slopes back at an angle of about 45 degrees which is also about the angle of an erection Vaginal walls are together and only 4 inches when not aroused When aroused vagina lengthens and widens Vaginal Functions Organ for sexual intercourse Route for menstrual flow to leave the body Route for sperm to deposit into the body Birth canal Vagina is acidic to prevent infections from occurring Cervix is where cells are taken to test for cervical cancer PAP smear HPV is the single largest factor determining whether a woman will get cervical cancer Smoking increases the risk of HPV Perimetrium myometrium and endometrium are the three layers of the uterine wall Endometrium is the layer of the uterus that sheds during menstruation Fallopian tubes are only as wide as two human hairs Cilia moves the egg along through the fallopian tubes Fallopian tubes are very susceptible to infection Chlamydia can cause PID Can treat PID but scar tissue is left behind which makes ectopic pregnancy more common Women can ejaculate after G spot stimulation Fluid expulses from the urethra This film raises more questions than answers This fluid has no urea in the content and not all women ejaculate Male Reproductive Anatomy Penis male organ designed to deliver the sperm to the female reproductive tract It is comprised of three circular shaped chambers of erectile tissue or corpora The two larger corpora the corpora cavernosa lie side by side and make up most of the penis The smaller chamber of erectile tissue is called the corpus spongiosum These tissues fill with blood resulting in an erection Glans penis the acorn shaped head of the penis covered by foreskin Meatus The urethral opening through with semen and urine pass Coronal ridge A rim that separates the glans from the shaft Frenulum Y shaped region of skin that is attached to the glans Most men enjoy stimulation of the glans ridge and frenulum Foreskin Prepuce Enhances a man s sexual pleasure and contributes to his erection Scrotum homologous to the labia majora in females Has two separate compartments that house a single testis Each testicle is suspended within the sac by a spermatic cord Spermatic cord consists of the vas deferens the duct through which mature sperm travel

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