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Argument Analysis 03 28 2013 Nixon was running for VP on Eisenhower s ticket Eisenhower well respected for service in WWII Eisenhower known as an honest man What rhetorical situation prompted Nixon to speak What were the primary features of his argument in terms of claim data and warrants How did those features of his argument function in his rhetorical situation Nixon was known for root out communism from the highest level of communism in government Known as a good upstanding citizen Popular image of him patriotic a quaker religious credentials then newspapers revealed that campaign donors kept giving Nixon money he was using it for personal expenses EXIGENCE raising money illegitimately and using it for personal expenses People wanted him off the ticket EXIGENCE 2 Eisenhower could drop him from the ticket in presidential election Major constraints resources Claim the thing that is in doubt that the rhetor and the audience don t agree on the thing that needs to be proven 2 3 major claims in Nixons speech 1 not one cent of the 18 000 dollars or any other money went to me for my personal use Fact claim DATA complete financial history statistics o Audit from a law firm expert testimony o Letter from military wife peer testimony 2 Eisenhower is the man that can lead this crusade Fact claim 3 you should wire and write the Republican National Committee policy claim 6 minor claims It was morally wrong if any of that money went to Senator Nixon value claim no contributor has received any consideration Fact claim Pat and I are not quitters Fact claim Mr Stevenson should also a full accounting of his financial history policy claim how did those features of his argument function in his rhetorical situation 03 28 2013 03 28 2013

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UMD COMM 401 - Argument Analysis

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